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RE: Dance With The Devil, A True Story of Sympathetic Magick, Part 1

in #aakom7 years ago (edited)

Yup. Hope you will check in with that. Soul recovery is what I heard.

Mine was a Malaysian puppet that was partially in a jar.

There were many things energetically terrorizing me in my home. It was a constant poltergeist situation that was never helped.

Have been learning to deal with the PTSD it has caused me. Definitely a boon to my own mediumship abilities to have exorcised these things...



I didn't even realize how bad it was 'til i got away. It is starting to hit me why things go the way they go.

I know now how serious it is to have energetic protection and safety. 💘

yes. it's amazing we are alive after what we survived in our childhoods and then spend the rest of our lives overcoming.

Yes! I never was able to talk about it. As an adult who now also lives as a witness in service to others, I'm often surprised at my own inhibition toward speaking my own difficumt truths because of how I was being abused.

The retrospect from my adult life and especially this eclipse season has exposed so much to me.

I am happy to have safe people around now and also an awareness of personal space and boundaries.

I will be working with this more. Had I not caught this post, I may have forgotten about that puppet. I feel like I need to work on this one and am happy for how you connected it for me.

Once again I am so glad I was able to be helpful! Looking forward to hanging out one of these days soon...

Me too! Let's compare schedules and plan a day. It will be fun, especially with all this perfect weather that's been coming our way!

I could meet you this Friday early to mid morning - I am off Monday as well - and I have Thursday after 4 but not too late...