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RE: Abolition of statism

in #abolition9 years ago

indeed. in the end, the cops are the enemy of humanity and we have the right to use whatever force is nesisary to put down the threat to our freedoms. i beleive that if someone were to write a manefesto giving clear and consise reasons on a declared war on cops and give current cops an out by quitting the force things would change. a declared war on cops would be a war on tyranny itself. those who did not quit the force would be apprehended, charged, tried, and in all liklihood convicted by a libritarian tribunal board. those that did not surrender would be killed. society would be better off. people engaging in not violent illegal behavior would be left alone and if successful the scourge of police villany would be erradicated compleatly. it would be risky and people would die, but to quote jefferson "the tree of liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"