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RE: Abolition of statism

in #abolition9 years ago (edited)

I cant agree that the cops in a whole are the problem. if anything I would say the small % of crooked cops that are the problem (with the cops), I see the police as a tool for the government. if you take their hammer (cops) away they will go get an ax(the military) and cut you down. that will not fix the problem, but only make it worse.

I feel strongly about the right to defend one's self but constantly struggle with the conundrum of the point when it is acceptable for a person to use force on a cop that is trying to forcefully take you into custody. if you are to comply with the cop and pretend you respect them the chance of getting killed by them is really low but knowing someone is going to use force to lock you in a cage against ones will is wrong. if it was not a cop doing that to you, it would be perfectly moral to forcefully defend ones self. but the moment you use force in any way it gives the cop the right to use more force. its fucked up and I don't get it.

I think that in order for the manifesto/war on cops to work I think you will have to first get a majority of the people to back it. It would have happened if the race baiting crap wasent going on. divide and conquer. if black lives matter made the movement about police brutality on every one no matter of skin color it would have actually gotten something done. the beginning of the movment was good and was gitting some reform done, now its just dividing us more. when the black lives matter vs. all lives matter thing started, blm shoulda taken over all lives matter and owned it. then when the people yelled all lives matter they could yell it back and point to all the picts of people they lost. would have shut it down. then if they would do there protests any time someone of any color got killed by the cops the movement would have been huge. would have completely changed the game. I don't get it, with a movement of all races standing up against any and all police brutality no matter of color or race it would would have been so powerful. we are to busy fighting each other to actually get anything done.
I fully agree with jeffersons statement, I just wish it didn't have to be that way.