in #aboriginals5 years ago

Arrowhead AmeriOriginal-1_blue sm watermark.jpgAFRICOIDS & AMERICOIDS: Are all indigenous inhabitants to their true homelands and motherlands of AFRICA and AMERICA. Two separated – segregated global geographical land-locations and continents. And I am adding an ancient ancestry accordingly and appropriately. We as AMERICAS ORIGINAL-ONES, as prehistorical planetary people, and Hue-Mains, historically has always been living hereon, South – Central -North America. From terrestrial timetables immemorial!

HYBRID-HUMANS: “History of European Immigration to America: The Discovery of the 'New World' This article contains interesting facts, statistics and the history of European immigration to America. *South-Central-North) The history of European Immigration to America began following the discovery of the 'New World' (Supposedly) by Christopher Columbus in 1492 which led to the Golden Age of Exploration during the Renaissance era of the 1500's.”
HUMANKIND HATRED: "History of European Immigration to America: The First Immigrants...The discovery of America led to a great power struggle for control of the new lands primarily between the three most powerful countries in Western Europe at the time: Spain, England, France. These European countries financed the voyages of the early explorers for many reasons: To increase their lands and build great European Empires and to increase the wealth of the 'Mother Country' by exploiting the natural resources of the new lands - the search began for gold, silver and spices. To increase opportunities for trade and to spread the Christian religion.”
HIDEOUS HOSTILITIES: "History of European Immigration to America: The 'Great Migration' and the 13 British Colonies The 'Great Migration' was the term used to describe the wave of over 50,000 of English immigrants to America between 1620 and 1640 which led to the establishment of the first 13 Colonies: Virginia, Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. The colonies need cheap and plentiful labor. Most of the immigrants were poor and it is estimated that 80% of immigrants came as Indentured Servants. (the first Slavs = Slaves to North America) The British controlled the northern Atlantic coast of America. For additional facts, history and stats refer to English Immigration to America.”