In a World Ruled by Child Sacrifice, What Rights Does Anyone Have?

in #abortion7 years ago (edited)

Years ago I started my first anti-abortion blog. And also, years ago I started my first Abolitionist Facebook page. Immediately after starting that page I was targeted by someone using the fake name Joe Saxon. The messages included blasphemy and disturbing content about Mary. As a result I decided to remove my entire family from Facebook so that this "Joe Saxon" person would not stalk them as well. Given recent events I am glad that I did. In general, it takes someone willing to stand up to a lot of harassment and intimidation to be able to speak out for what is right. People who are evil would prefer nobody say anything about their activities, and continue to let them hurt innocent children.

Without the right to exist, we are at the mercy of people who are truly evil, and that includes abortion, Satanic Ritual Abuse, the baby body parts industry on which Planned Parenthood thrives, and the organ harvesting industry. All of these, from the black market to the barely legal, represent the worst of humanity and our willingness to condone behavior, including murder, that we are too afraid to stand up against. When another 3000 or more innocent children are being torn limb from limb every day, you might stop to wonder what the heck your progressive issues have to do with anything or why you care so much about animal rights if you do not care about your own. Being born gives you no rights above an unborn child any more than children have the right not to be kidnapped. Predators will still hunt.

I created this meme using an old magazine cover to illustrate who it is we are trying to protect when we work to end abortion:

Screen Shot 2017-12-11 at 9.59.27 AM.png

You can go like my Facebook page here:

I started a GoFundMe since it was clear that no matter what I do, people are going to have a hard time accepting someone like me, and I've been severely retaliated against lately for my investigations into pedophilia and human trafficking (see the GoFundMe or the descriptions of the stalking and retaliation here:
Retaliation and Stalking Articles #1, 2, and 3).

If you would like to help out a woman trying to do good in the world, you can go to the GoFundMe and donate, or donate via PayPal, Bitcoin or send cash, check or money order to my PO Box.

Please donate to my legal defense fund.

Here is more information on how to donate:

Secure Bitcoin Donations Address: 1JTLpYH2CxoAAA5DvfcEUToDiGkH2xUjaL



Or you can send a check, cash or a money order to me at:

Amy James
PO Box 120281
Arlington, Texas 76012

You can also become a Patron on my Patreon page by going here.. Also, check out my Body Butter listings on Etsy! (More creative products to come soon...)

Read more about my feelings on the left's sick child sacrifice culture here, here, and here.

Affiliate link: How To Win In Court