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RE: Abortion Is a Natural Right

in #abortion8 years ago

Yeah keep dodging.
If a woman wants to get prego so she can get an abortion is covered by your stance.

I am nto dodging. Yes she can do that. It is her body. You have no right to tell to another person what they can do with their body. same logic applies.

I never said anything about the effects of birth control only said it is an option to prevent getting prego.

It has nothing to do with effects of birth control. you cannot dictate what one can do with their body even if it involves ingesting harmless sugar pills. You don't get it do you?

just ecause you say "natural" and not "human" does not change the rights

Natural vs Human Rights is an actual philosophical debate. They are defined differently. Google before you try to play smartass

the evidence is there, all you have to do is type in abortion addiction and it is not an exception to the rule, it is part of your rule.

i googled. found no statistics that they are the rule. you are talking out of your ass again because you saw it in the news..if its in the means its rare and flashy. that's how they make it to the new..normal things don't make head lines. honor your name. be a "sceptic" .