We all get hit with bouts of depression sooner or later; we just have to find ways to deal with it effectively so that we can keep moving forward (Because that's how WINNING is done)!
SPS is Splintershards from #Splinterlands, right? That's usually a good move to make.
If you need megadoses of LOL, try this:
- visit the Comments page for @lolzbot and read for a while
It's just as good as a Vitamin B12 shot only cheaper, and if you like what you read you can go to the DEX to buy LOLZ for your wallet. Tribaldex even has 1 diesel pool for it, MEME:LOLZ, and it offers LP Rewards. I only discovered this right now, so LOLZ offers us as Hivers more value than we realize.
You know SOL better than I do, so I defer to your knowledge on that one.
For me, the sleeper is CUB. The knife stopped falling a few days ago, so the price is more or less rising slowly. For a while POLYCUB was getting all the love while leaving CUB as the ugly redheaded sibling all alone to wallow in misery. It's been said many times by many people, but only word from Khal himself about how features tested and proven to work on POLYCUB will be retrofitted to CUB made people feel better to the point where it's price is rising again with dips here and there. The fire sale continues on CUB, but it's back on the move. Last year I missed the action on DOGE, so not only is CUB a long-term HODL for me but it has the added bonus of room to grow as it moons.
Whatever bonus LEO comes my way is getting staked to I can hand out greater upvotes than before, and whatever HBD I get I sock away into Savings for that 20% APR.
As I write posts, the topics will vary but be tied in some way to crypto and finance. This will let me update or even rewrite older content. No timetable on these posts, but they will come back.
I wonder if Joey from Friends is a HODLer, a BUIDLer, or the type to get REKT? After all, he kept finding work and gigs to be able to pay his share of that too-damn-high NYC rent, so he has some smarts. Maybe I can squeeze out a few posts trying to answer that question about him.
There's always reason to look on the bright side of things, even in 2022 and beyond. If we're miserable, it's because we choose to be. You seem to have figured things out on that front, so you can handle whatever adversity happens to find us. Being stuck in the city, I'm still poor
, but my goal is to make the move from being poor
to being eccentric
. If I can find laughs and LOLZ along the way, even better.
Good luck with your investments, and if any get your bags empty then may that lead you to bags you can fill quickly until you get MAD STACKS OF CASH you can hand out as you see fit while keeping your principal intact.