Miniature autobiography about me

in #aboutme7 years ago (edited)


After doing my introductions here:

Now would be a good time to write a littlelot about me and how I got into this evolution.

I officially dropped my "first inferior fiat" into the "superior cryptocurrency", the first of November 2017 and since then I've followed quite a few telegram groups, did a lot of chart analysis learning and reading about my pick for the future top cryptos of the world, more on that in a new post. I behaved like an idiot and ignored all my newly gained knowledge and drop about 50% in value within a month! Luckily since then I'm almost back to my original deposited amount of bitcoin, but I'm still up in "fiat" value. Mistake number three.

I heard a lot about bitcoin in January 2017, but I'm a lazy money maker so I didn't do sign ups with bittrex, or binance, etc. back then, mistake number two.
Way back in the Feudal age of currency, in other words 2011. I was fresh out of high school and finished my first contract job, searching for the lazy way of making money, I scrolled through untold top 10 lists of ways to make money at home, most of them shared the concordant entries of "become a freelancer" "Do online graphic designs" "Do photography" and so forth. One article, however, contained a rather unique entry sitting at number 10. I remember it like it was yesterday, mainly because it slapped my memory with a jackhammer the moment I heard my friend's story. It said "Sign up now and earn 10 dollar's worth of bitcoin free!" I thought to myself "Who the hell doesn't want free cash?!" Skeptical as I was I googled if I could convert bitcoin to real cash, and the only answers at the time was "No, you'll have to find someone that would pay you for your bitcoin" and "No, you can only use it at limited stores that accept bitcoin."

Not liking the answers I gave the opportunity a pass and did not sign up. Fast forward six years I've been granted the opportunity to find out that a guy in my circle has signed up for free bitcoin and free litecoin. His net worth right now is about 7 million dollars. The number one mistake of my life, but I make sure that it does not keep me down.

So instead of reading more and investing in bitcoin back in 2011, I started reading investing books on the stock market and became an investor in 2014. My number one book on the subject is "The Motley Fools' million dollar portfolio." Don't mean to brag, but I left my portfolio as is in 2015-2016, but I'm still up in value 90% < cool guy glasses >

That was a mouthful, so I'll just summarize the rest about me: I'm a gamer, I'm lazy when it comes to making money, real job is data analysis, (unfortunately not market charts related). Building my portfolio so that I can retire young and travel the world.