Homestead ramblings - with a big spoonful of gratitude.

in #abundance-mindset5 months ago (edited)

Hello Hivers!

I hope you are all keeping well and managing to find joy in the small treasures of every day existence. My renewed joy in these last days has come in the form of realising the benefits of growing ones one food, collecting ones own seed and keeping life organic and pure!

I have been collecting, saving and sowing my own seeds as much as possible these last years and the benefits are clear in the sheer health and abundance that is generated through these actions.


One aspect I notice is that the germination rate of my own seed over that of shop bought seed is clearly better. `I don't know that this has always and forever been the case, but definitely in the last few years I have noticed a decline in rate of germination of standard seeds bought online. Has anyone else noticed this?

Look at this photo below. Two easy to grow veggies. The lettuce in the first tray is my own seed, collected from my last lettuce harvest.

Then the next tray are spinach seeds I bought online. The germination rate is absolutely pathetic!


My papayas also grow from collected seed had a phenomenal germination rate and this seasons young trees are settling in and coming on well now.


My basil is so healthy and growing so fast. This example pot below is just three weeks old. Today I divided this into three plants and potted them on for maximum production. I have so many more pot-fulls on the way I can see a pesto making fest ahead.


Here below you can see my latest ginger plants popping up. I can never have too much ginger or turmeric so starting off new pots of either is an ongoing joyful process. These treasures are such incredible medicine as well as delicious food so when planting them my gratitude to Mother Earth is quite overwhelming.

All planting is accompanied by mindful gratitude of course but some medicines blow my mind in particular.


I have also being making regular batches of hummous through these super hot weeks when all I want to eat is a little fruit, salads and whole-wheat toast (will lashings of homemade hummous! )

So here's the thing. I had run out of tahini. I can make hummous without it at a push but it is improved flavour wise to add a spoonful... so I thought. Hmmmmm I have plenty of sesame seeds. Let's make some tahini!

So after whizzing my seeds in a coffee/nut grinder for some minutes I had an oily feeling meal that was already akin to halva.. which has led to other thought processes of making my own halva ... a story to follow soon I think.

I added this creamy oily flour-like product to my hummous ingredients and the result was fabulous! It had all the flavour I needed and the overall texture of the hummous was as normal. It worked great basically.

Where there's a will, there's a way... as the old saying goes.




Thank you for joining me for my homestead ramblings on one thing and another and may you be blessed in your own endeavours to create a healthier, happier life every day!


You certainly have green fingers!
Your plants and seedlings look so well and strong.
Lovely home made Greek spread! Halva sounds good too.

Thank you @kaminchan Much love to you and your orange fluffers!

Thanks a lot! All the best wishes to you and hugs for your cats!