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RE: We Are Seeing A Paradigm Shift Right Before Our Eyes

in #abundance7 years ago (edited)

You're right on target.

The biggest problem that I see around me is that most people can never step off of that treadmill. Most people that I know are working way more than 40 hours per week, more like 60 and 70 hours.

These people don't have a single credit card not because they don't want to put their faith into the government but because they simply have never been able to have good credit.

When they do have a free moment they don't even use it to enrich themselves, but instead drown themselves and alcohol.

I've tried to get a ton of people involved with cryptocurrencies and especially with steam it and I've even managed to get a few to do it. However for the most part people can only look straight ahead because if you turn your head for even a minute you fall off the track. It's a long way to the bottom.