Age Of Abundance: The War That Is Brewing

in #abundance7 years ago (edited)

It is no secret that we presently reside in the Age of Scarcity. Our entire economic model is based upon scarce resources. We exploit the planet to gain control of these resources in an unequal manner. For the past 100 years, oil is at the core of this economic model.

That is rapidly changing. We are starting to move into the Age of Abundance. As much as that excites many people, it scares a great deal more.

One of the factors that is difficult for people to deal with is that the present structures that profit from the scarcity are going to be eliminated. Of course, this is not something they are going to do without a fight. We are seeing every mechanism used to delay/eliminate the threat. Of course, it is useless, just like the destroying of machines did not hinder the Industrial Revolution from taking place.

The exponential technologies we see created are penetrating at an incredible rate. This will only increase as time goes by especially when AI is added to the mix. The new economy is based upon software, not physical items. The largest transportation company in the world owns no cars; the biggest lodger has no rooms; the biggest bank has no branches (cryptocurrency).

What we are witnessing is the resistance to the new economy. Too many are invested in the old model. Hence we see tribalism and protectionism everywhere we look. Trump wants to build a wall and eliminate trade agreements. Brexit is taking place. Car dealers want Tesla banned from selling cars direct. The banksters want Bitcoin made illegal.

We are going to look at these measures with the same amount of humor as we do the Luddites destroying machines more than a century ago. It will be just as fruitless.

The challenge we are having is that too many people simply are not able to take part in economy in transition. For those who are able, they are so accustomed to the scarcity economy that they operate under the same constraints. We are moving into the sharing economy yet when resources get scarce, sharing gets tossed aside.

Industries such as oil, banking, and communications are worth trillions of dollars. All of these are ripe for disruption since they depend upon scarcity. Oil is being replaced by renewables; banking by cryptocurrency; communications with digital transmissions (and soon brain to brain). In essence, decentralization is starting to enter the picture.

This means that our resources will be allocated more efficiently. What is not in digital form will be produced closer to the end user. AI, along with blockchain, will play a big part in using our physical resources with greater efficiency. Excess energy production, as an example, will be routed to the areas that need it instead of going to waste. This is just one of the untold ways our future will operate.

Nevertheless, the battle is going to rage on. The starting point is with each individual. Most of us operated under the scarcity model for decades. We worked in it, tried to provide for our families, and suffered greatly under this model. Yet so many still are defending it.

Cryptocurrencies are just the first wave of abundance that we will see. Being on STEEM means that one is not going to want for money in as little as 5 years. How can I make this statement? Simply because STEEM is a decentralized blockchain with unlimited potential. There is no cap on what can take place on here.

Here is a question I want you to answer...

When SMTs come out, what is the maximum number of tokens that can be created with it?

The answer is unlimited.

Taking it one step further, how many airdrops of tokens given to STEEM holders can take place?

Again, unlimited.

What is the maximum price that STEEM can hit?


What is the maximum number of applications that can be on this blockchain?

There is no maximum.

I bring this up as an example of what happens when one steps into the Age of Abundance. Each day people have more information than they could read in 10 lifetimes. Yet, 30 years ago, this was not the case.

Of course, having so much information means that our attention is scarce. Hence, we are moving towards the attention economy. Entities that want to gain our focus are going to have to provide for that privilege. This is something they are accustomed to do but we are not. Google, Facebook and broadcasters know what our attention is worth yet we do not have a clue.

It is time we all started to think differently. Being on STEEM means that we have a basic understanding of the shift that is taking place. Nevertheless, it is easy to pay lip service to the idea of abundance and uplifting humanity. It is another to truly believe that.

I will close with this....

Centralization is about controlling others; decentralization is about controlling oneself.

Are you in Abundance or Scarcity? We are starting to have a choice.

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Very well written agree with you 100%.

I saw this documentary called Water & Power: A California Heist on Netflix check it out very interesting. Water is becoming very scarce with the long droughts and companies are profiting off underground water that is being pumped out at an alarming rate which will drain our ground water supply and causes the land above to sink.

Which is another example when something is scrace the value goes up.

Yes natural resources are put under the control of governments who then turn them over to their cronies in corporations. Throughout the entire process, people are paid and the general masses suffer. Scarcity is a poison that affects us all. Few take the time to consider the damage that is being done by engaging upon such a system. Sadly, we are all tied into it to varying degrees.

That is why blockchain is so starts to make things more transparent, something most companies do not want.

Definitely the public deserves to be able to see the truth. If you take the cover off all these shady companies they will think twice before engaging in destructive activities.

I think you are right. And the task for many of us is to be ready for the change.

Are we ready for a life where we don't have to work, where it's not those who strive the hardest who are the most rewarded?

I think some are, and some will live it as another financial crisis, just much bigger than the last one.

Because when we don't have to compete for paid jobs because abundance is everywhere, then what is life about?

Inner peace, sharing, patience, creativity would be some of my main answers, but others surely have different and just as valid ideas.
And it will be very interesting to see how these ideas can co-exist in the abundance economy.

Are we ready for a life where we don't have to work, where it's not those who strive the hardest who are the most rewarded?

Even more do we deal with our identity when it isnt tied to our profession.

The first thing people ask is "what do you do for a living"? Most tie their self worth to the jobs.

This will be as big a change for many as what to do with the time.

I guess the new question will have to be "what do you enjoy doing?" instead of which job title you hold.
I guess were going to see a lot of hobby gardeners growing their own tomatoes suddenly...

Or it simply could be "what have you gotten done" or "What have you started lately". But hey, I was never realy into this system in place now, so I have thought that I'm propably first of a next generation, generation that want's to get things done unlike those "in labor or out labor" slobs.

"Centralization is about controlling others; decentralization is about controlling oneself."


I think we are currently in both abundance and scarcity. I also expect to be financially independent in 5 years though I will have a back up plan just in case.

Yeah, we are kind of in both worlds. It'll be interesting to see what stays centralized, and what doesn't.

Great post. Ordinary people live in scarcity, banksters probably not. They control everything. I hope this is going to change. Crypto is our most powerful weapon against this corrupt system.

The sharing economy is the future. I can't wait when everyone has free, green energy. And when transportation costs hardly anything. I'm thankful to be a part of the shift and Steem will certainly be a tool for it.

Free energy is the major game changer. All stems from that. We live in a world of such inequality because of the energy difference. There are parts of the world, like the west, where energy is plentiful and relatively cheap. Yet others like Africa are still in the dark ages since power is not there. They operate on a manual model while the west enjoys automation.

This is something that renewables are changing. Ironically, many parts of the west are slow to adopt it....meaning they could get left behind.

I watched a documentary where it showed that Germany requires all new buildings to use at least 30% of green energy.

That is interesting! most parts of Africa are really backward and not ready for innovations. Personal gain is foremost to our leaders. What can I say... change is gradual. Someday we would get there.

There is no doubt a major shift is taking place.

To start, renewable energy is now economically viable meaning that corporations are embracing them. Facebook and Google going green on their server farms, while might be part of a green initiative, are only doing it because it is financially viable.

Diesel vehicles are starting to be banned by cities too.

Be aware that this whole "excelerated climate-change" might be a biggest scam of this century.

Governments are sure believing in the abundance theory... they are spurting out money like no tomorrow

LOL great point.

Except it isnt really money but debt. That is the problem with the bankster system, money is really a debtor's note.

So expansion of debt...I guess that is an abundance of something.

yes we are entering into the age of transition. apart from cryptocurrencies, there are tangible, grounded earth based ways we can take part in this.

there are actually whole communities that are taking part of something called transition towns. they're towns who have opted out of the antiquated model of scarcity. in their own words:

The terms transition town, transition initiative and transition model refer to grassroot community projects that aim to increase self-sufficiency to reduce the potential effects of peak oil, climate destruction, and economic instability.

find one near you here. i have visited many of these communities and the inspiration and drive is palpable. humans get excited when they have renewed purpose and when we are doing good. too long have we believed the myth of every human for themself. we're entering into a new time of abundance and just like a seed head produces more seeds than it needs in the next generations, humans are soon stepping into a commerce of similar proportions. thanks, as always.

How did I miss such a perfectly logically formulated, truthful information. Unconditionally - Resteem. Good luck to you.

Как же я соскучился за такой, отлично логически сформулированной, правдивой информацией. Безоговорочно – Resteem. Удачи Вам.

Soon we will all be in abundance, even if some have to be brought there kicking and screaming. Humans, for all our adaptability, seem to have a very hard time accepting change, even though adapting is usually nowhere near as difficult as imagined. I for one am embracing the change!

Very true @moneyinfant.

People resist change.

It is like they say, change doesnt hurt, it is resistance to change that hurts.

And what is so hard about this is that it is a change in mindset that is needed. That is the hardest things for people to change.

I think it's partially (mostly?) due to the fact that a mindset change requires a person to admit that they were wrong, at least on some level, about previously held thoughts and beliefs.

Hence, we are moving towards the attention economy.

Attention is the new currency, and everyone has their share to give and earn. It is our most valuable asset that we can give, and steemit and other blockchain based technologies are the first to show us that our attention is valuable.

Companies like FB made billions by selling OUR attention to whoever the highest bidder was. Youtube used OUR content to profit from the attention that WE should have profited from.

Now instead of giving away our attention, we can pay it to people and projects that we support and want to see thrive. Instead of giving away our value we get paid what we are worth to the community of people who are paying attention to us.

Steemit is awesome, tell your friends and follow up with them, getting in early will be a strong advantage to do what you want to do with your life sooner

Before those entities, the broadcasters knew the value of it. Back in the day, before remote controls, we actually watched the commercials. Broadcasters have been paid a pretty penny for out attention. Look at what a Superbowl ad goes for....the attention of 80 million people is worth a pretty penny for 30 seconds.

Now we are in the pay us economy...they want our attention, it has a price for advertisers. No longer are we obligated to let someone else profit off it.

I don't have any pertinent words to add besides "Yes, this!" and "Bring it on!" :) Brilliant analysis, man.

Loved this post! I have talked to many people about blockchain and unlimited abundance and I get a blank look! I will refer them to this post.

In the short span of 3 months since joining Steemit, I am already entering into the age of abundance for the first time ever. I had a slow start at first, but staying committed has payed off. Literally. I cannot wait until Steemit is my primary income and I can actually live off of doing what I love, rather than working a job that pains me to even think about.

Nothing is more satisfying than earning a living from what you love best. I hope to do that soon too.

I agree with you @daltono.

I am excited also. Hopefully, in a short period of time I will be a full time Steemian.

Well I don't know that everybody on Steemit sees it this way. Lots of them are in it for the money, which could save them in the future.
I really like the ideas behind all the companies from Musk. He probably is also in it for the money, but I really do think that he wants to change the world. He is in transportation and solar energy. If I become rich with cryptos or Steemit I want a Tesla and not a Lambo.
Some oil countries are trying to be ahead of their future, using their unlimited supply of the sun. Creating solar fields in stead of oil mines. Changing the industry to towards leisure and entertainment.

It is also true that we have so much information available to us(most of us). Even in the States there are town without internet, having to drive more than half an hour to be able to send an email.
One of the powerful things about us humans is that we tend to be able to adopt and change. Sometimes this is bad, sometimes it will makes us better.
Still there are a lot of idiots ruling the world who don't understand that their population is fed up by their own enrichment. And they probably won't go down without a fight!
While we see a promising future, which will have some battles, the generation behind us well have some frowning about our values and decisions now.

This may very well be the best article that I’ve ever seen you write, taskmaster, and you’ve written some great articles.

Love the parts where you talk about how “unlimited” potential technology is, and how steem could make us all wealthy within 5 years.

Dare to dream!

Interesting ways to see the economies of the world. Never thought about it this way.

You know, decentralisation is very nice and everything, but it needs guidance, a set of rules to play within. Without rules, decentralisation is pure anarchy.
Steem on bro!

Dececntralization with rules is centralization because someone is setting up the rules.

While it might not appear that way at first, at some point someone is able to maneuver the rules to his advantage.

Anarchy in terms of freedom is what is needed. Decentralization enables all creation to take place...people decide what they will use.

Try going to Mars. Decentralised ;)

When SMTs come out, what is the maximum number of tokens that can be created with it?

The answer is unlimited.

Taking it one step further, how many airdrops of tokens given to STEEM holders can take place?

Again, unlimited.

What is the maximum price that STEEM can hit?


One question on this which always come to my mind. How can unlimited coins created like this have sustained value? Your thoughts on this?

I didnt say all coins that are created will have sustained value. There are many out now, and more in the future, that will end up absolutely worthless. In fact, the majority may end up that way.

I didnt say there was unlimited potential for all coins...just unlimited numbers can be created using many succeed? I can only same less than are created in all likelihood.

Everyone of those SMT will give an airdrop to steem holders?

As far as I understand, is that those SMT will increase the demand for steem, making it a more valuable token. But I haven't read anything about airdrops, except the vice air drop that is in a few years.

Not necessarily. Only if the owners choose to.

However, if one is starting with the reward system, it makes sense to try and draw in some newer people, those who know how the system works, so that they can help to kickstart it.

Bitcoins strength is in scarcity and steems strength could be in abundance. In case of bitcoin one is not rewarded for holding bitcoin While in the case of steemit one is rewarded with voting power for holding steem. At the same time scarcity of bitcoin helps in its price increase. On the other hand mass adoption of steem helps in its growth.

I think i value both. Scarcity as well as abundance. Both have their positive and both have their negatives.

Shoot Task, I thought you already were a full time Steemian, as much thought and quality content you put out, it must take hours to create your posts. 😎
The amount of knowledge you bring to the table is astonishing, you're my go to news source. 😎

I think in an era of abundance, when people will not think how to survive, and will do their favorite thing. There will be so many opportunities and talents that the world will be surprised. This of course at the best. At worst, there will be a struggle for a monopoly on resources.

I love your posts! Once again, great content! ;-)
One thing is certain... this is going to be an interesting ride, whatever the outcome. Don't you think, @banjo and @cleverbot?

I do, indeed.

And that's why I think you're more clever than @cleverbot! :-D

Yeah, it's raining money! :-D

Cryptos are the perfect tool for the transition from a scarcity world to the new brave world of abundance.

I like the comparison you made to Luddites but I think it's much more serious than that. Cryptocurrency is a threat to the establishment. The industrial revolution made the rich get richer. The elite had no reason to oppose it. Granted, nothing is stopping the elite from adapting to this new model to make themselves (and us) even more wealthy. Abundance for everyone!

There will always be scarcity.

thanks for this cryptocurrency news providing.... i appreciate this post.
keep it up dear friend

Thanks dear sharing your post. I always see your pair and follow you .

thank you sir for your share..

Great to see your content.. Really i appreciate you. Keep going on and written those type of great content sir.... Keep it up and well done... Best of luck.

Great post.i appreciate your post

Thanks for sharing this technology

cryptocurrency is developing by the development of the technology
thanks for the valuable content
resteemit done

I appreciate your effort

love to read it..............

if we dont change something and build sustainable ressources, well good luck for our future generations

well really amazing post thanks for sharig

very talent post ,with nice photography.

It's an amazing vision for the future, let's just hope that the resistance is as futile as those protesters and we can get there within our lifetimes.

Africa and other under developed nation will still have to struggle for some years, the aristocratses will never want to have their wealth decentralized, so all the mechnism to frustrate the process will be utilized.

Unless people get smart phones...then the decentralization is started.

And there is nothing they can do but confiscate the phones.

The challenge with that is there are more people than warlords and there is an abundance of money ready to flow in. The difference is they dictators wont be able to take it like they do with foreign aid now because it will go direct.

Let me use my country as a reference, a bill was proposed by the national assembly to tackle hate speech, the bill dictates that you cant speak ill of the government or it agency even through your social media platforms

Nicely done, great animation and nice Post, thanks for sharing

Although developed countries have more abundance and wellbeing I don't think we'll see a true Age of Abundance until we make other technological breakthrough. Maybe when Nuclear Fusion is ready.

You're right in the attention scarcity. Attention economy has come and STEEM is going to be the proof of it. Your attention is valuable and I think your information is valuable too. People are going to realise about that soon.

I think that 100% decentralization of everything is a bad thing, because it would lead to anarchy. However, 100% centralization leads to autocracy, which is also really bad. However, the decentralization of money seems to be going really well so far!

I have to ask when any economy has not been founded on scarcity. That's the way it's been since man first traded a stone tool for a bearskin.

Existence is finite. Therefore resources will always be finite. Therefore much of how we value a thing will spring from its scarcity.

There have been times when the pressure of scarcity has been reduced - an unexplored (and unexploited) frontier perhaps; or when a nice disease like the Black Plague or a World War kills off a sizeable chunk of the population, leaving abundance for the fewer left behind. But those are the exceptions, rather than the rule.

Digital assets are very different than the physical assets that we've chased for millennia. So I agree, this may lead to more abundance. But it's hard to imagine that scarcity will leave the equation entirely. It will certainly be interesting if it does...

I can't wait for the Smart Media Tokens to be finally up in operation on Steemit. STEEM token will rise exponentially because of the potential in SMTs depending on STEEM. The future will be bright for the STEEM blockchain. Upvoted!

People have always been resistant to change, mostly because they're comfortable and probably a bit lazy; but eventually there are enough people who start 'the change', there's those who are dragged into it kicking and screaming, and finally the last few who have no choice because they become the minority.

The winds of change are happening for sure, especially in regards to the "attention economy", and I'd say here on steemit is a good place to put ours now. I just read somewhere here (I wander so much I can't remember who's post it was:) that Bloomberg Technology just had a big article about steemit in it, along with the fact that Facebook's attendance time is dropping significantly. You can bet that there's a lot of concerned advertisers out there looking for different options. Our "attention" is what they are seeking.

Thank you so much for this thought provoking post; I thoroughly enjoyed it! Cheers :)

I agree, that everyone has to make a choice, our future and success depends on this choice. But Steem is not the last car of the train, which you need to have time to jump. This is only a small part of the world of cryptocurrency, for which the future

Very well said. I have one question regarding a statement you made however, you said that communication is soon to be disrupted by brain-to-brain communication. Is there a source I can look at to learn more about this? I haven't heard of any new developments in that field.

Also, does anyone have an opinion on something like this? Would we support faster and more accurate communication that stems from brain-to-brain sharing of ideas, or would we be entering into a field of mild-reading to those with access to such technology? What are your thoughts?

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment