We are entering a new paradigm.
All over the world, people are suddenly empowered. One of the most centralized aspects of our lives, the creation of money, is now decentralized. This started with the Bitcoin White Paper 9 years ago and is only continuing. That was a turning point in history since it moved the creation of money out of the hands of a few, into the many.
This is a point I cannot stress enough.

I encounter a lot of resistance from people when I write about the Age of Abundance. Many seem to have issue with the reality of what is taking place. For some reason, they believe the establishment that is enslaving humanity is still going to prevail. The results are crystal clear to me. There is no way the establishment can stand up to blockchain and cryptocurrency.
My proclamations about there being hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of cryptocurrencies in a decade are met with the same attitude. It appears that many are seeking the one or two currencies that are going to prevail. This is not how the future will be.
Russia is hardly a country that specializes in freedom. I believe it is safe to say that Putin and his political allies wield great power over the population. They are noted for being on record for clamping down on cryptocurrency.
Yet, the epitome of the Age of Abundance happened in Putin's Russia.
What would you do if you needed funds yet the bank wanted to charge you 12% interest?
This is exactly what happened in Russia. So, a banker turned farmer created the Kolion. This was money that was created (out of thin air) in an effort to get around the banking system.
"I didn't want to suffocate and be a slave of the banks," Shlyapnikov says, putting a hand on his throat. "So I had to invent my own money. And I did it. I'm my own bank, government, regulator."
What got the Kolion on the radar of the Russian authorities is that it was paper money. This led to it being banned in 2015. That ban led it to be released as a cryptocurrency in 2017.
"We now have about $2 million in kolions because its value has jumped since the ICO," Shlyapnikov says, adding that the currency is backed by a reserve of 500 bitcoins (worth roughly $3.7 million at current prices.)
"This way we can attract real money into the business," and connect the cryptocurrency with the real economy, he added.
Can you imagine having a $500,000 (the amount of the ICO) as a bank loan at 12% interest?
Now Shlyapnikov and other enthusiasts are touting cryptocurrency as a way to insulate themselves from Russia's financial system.
This is a story we see repeated all over the world. The one-two combination of the banks and the government serve to keep humanity starving and controlled. The fact that the only access to money is in the form of debt (for most people) only makes them further beholden to the system.
Here is one farmer in Mother Russia who was able to free about 100 merchants from the legal tender of that country while also releasing them from the bonds of the bankers.
Can you see this same thing being done all over the world?
Obviously, the Kolion is not going to be a top 100 token on any exchange. It is, however, the main currency for those 100 merchants in that one town.
What is interesting about people who scoff at the world of cryptocurrency is they are always pointing to the fact that it has no "value". The Ruble lost 1/2 its value since the west sanctioned that country. Yet people still believe that fiat has inherent value and crypto none.
This farmer's story is an example of the power that is now available to people all over the world. Anyone can do something similar to avoid becoming further enslaved by the banker system. Humanity's creativity is being unleashed as people get the tools in their hands. Cryptocurrency is a tool that is going to enable billions to break free from the scarcity-based monetary system the bankers established for us.
We are also going to see huge productivity gains. Again, the Kolion provides a valuable lesson. By having the resources to buy equipment, without the use of debt, they are more productive on their farms. Without the cryptocurrency, the farmers either would go without the equipment (most likely choice) and operate by hand or have to give a large portion of their years production to the bank in the form of interest.
This is why many disciplines consider usury to be evil. It literally enslaves.
The Age of Abundance is free of usury. It is about freedom. This means a system outside the hands of the bankers which saddle people with debt. It is a place where people actually can operate and keep what they create.
For a farmer in Russia, this system is called cryptocurrency.
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Yes, literally the phase of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology gave power to everyone and people can come up with idea and money then they can create their own economy and they can be free from the evil debt trap of banking system and in my opinion banking system is so cruel that, the elites and super rich can take money from the banks and they never return in some cases and still nobody asks about it but if common people miss to repay the loan amount then they send all force towards people and this needs to be changed and slowly we are watching that change and we have to walk with determination on this decentralised path because this is the true path of financial control and financial freedom.
And great to know all these stories and it's really moving to read about the efforts of people who really want to push the world into true world of financial freedom and true control over one's finance and not like banking system.
Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
Most epic run-on sentence of all time. Five stars.
Thank you so much for your kind appreciation. Stay blessed. 🙂
This is what it's all about! A crypto for every community, controlled by the community. Everyone wants to project the-big-fish-eats-the-small-fish capitalism onto the blockchain. That's not how it works.
I love that you bring up the word of the day usury. A lot of people see loans being issued on the blockchain and think that it's a bad thing. However, blockchain loans are not usury because they are backed by collateral.
The world needs to free itself from unsustainable usurious debt.
For the first time in human history, people are able to control the market and money, taking governments out of the equation, this may seem like a bad thing to most people because they are brought to think that way, but at the end is the most grandiose thing we humans are able to achieve.
Since it means the end of central banks and that debt, we used to say that money is debt, but with cryptocurrencies, it is not the case. Thank you for posting this and spreading the word on cryptos.
I agree with what you are saying. Blockchain and crypto tech will bring freedom and abundance like never before. It’s an incredible time to be alive!
Yes it is. We are at the beginning of an age that is really going to alter the path of humanity forever.
We are moving into a different age, where the female energy is embraced and the male hierarchy is case aside. Cryptocurrency is the first such venture.
For me I need to embrace and respect both energies to fully embody balance. The yang balances the yin, and vice versa. Respecting both = true world democracy where whatever combination of those energies one possesses, they are free to express them
What A fantastic story, congrats to the farmer who is disrupting the lending monopoly. I really like extending capital to developing countries. Zidisha.org does this well at zero interest, but maybe crypto could make it even better. Thanks for posting this.
That is why I support Manna. It is a way to target giving to all.
Using cryptocurrency allows one to bypass those individuals who tend to take aid from those who are in need.
This post reminds me of the "local dollars" that started sprouting in the 1980s and 1990s. And then there is the story of the Bank of North Dakota, built specifically designed to get the farmers out from under the paw of New York.
I could go on, but I've been watching this unfold with those two stories in mind. Freedom is what happens when the power to create money is distributed.
I just lectured a kid in my high school class about that very thing - he was writing an oral on the dangers of crypto and I was trying hard to let him have his own opinion whilst firmly letting him know that he was wrong - oh dear!!
The problem is that him and many like him believe that fiat will free them if they work hard enough for it! They don't see themselves as enslaved...
The age of abundance will be free from an exorbitant rate of interest, in excess of any legal rates or at least immorally. Free from practice of lending money at interest.
The age of monetary sovereignty, the rest shall come!
Informative and useful post. Thanks a lot for sharing it.
"This is a point I cannot stress enough." - Indeed you never get tired of saying that, and I think everybody who reads the post can understand.
The Age Of Abundance is an incredible phenomenon, and it is only getting started, just like crypto.