Technology makes life better. Politics makes life worse.
The game you are seeing has been in the works for a long time.
The political class gains power by dividing and conquering the people. They do this by feeding the people a false dichotomy between left and right.
When one studies the history of the left/right split one finds that both sides of the split came from the same source.
The ideals of progressivism flow from an idea called "The Divine Right of Kings." This ideal held that the bounty of the kingdom flowed from the King.
After losing the US Revolution, Philosophers working for the King in the United Kingdom and Prussia developed a new ideology that simply changed the worlds. Progressivism holds that the bounty of the earth flows from the state.
The really bizarre thing came with the creation of Conservatism. This ideology called "Conservatism" was created King William IV in an effort to rebrand the Tory Party in the wake of electoral reform.
Both the Progressive Left and Conservative Right were created by the Tories.
Progressives and Conservatives claw at each other's eyes ... but both of the two ideologies end up creating a centralized state and a centralized economic system. More on Conservatism