ABUSE: What good does it do?

in #abuse8 years ago (edited)

What is abuse?

In my own understanding, abuse is the use of a thing or treatment of a person in a way that is demeaning, derogatory and insulting.

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Abuse is destructive

  • Physical abuse by beating is damaging to the psyche and mentality of both the victim and the abuser. The victim goes on living life always in fear, and the abuser goes on living life always with a burden of guilt gnawing at their hearts.
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  • Sexual abuse is damaging to the raped and the rapist. The raped loses her sense of self esteem, and value as human being, the rapist becomes totally dysfunctional and believes he can only find fulfillment in such unholy practices
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  • Drug abuse is damaging to the drug user. The user becomes obsessively addicted to the drugs and believes he cant lead a normal life properly without the use of these drugs

  • Verbal abuse is damaging to the person being abused verbally, and the person doing the vernal abuse. The person being abused carries the stigma of the abusive words in his mind, sometimes for a lifetime. The person doing the verbal abuse bears the burden of guilt of being abusive, and usually becomes more abusive over time as a result of this.

Abuse comes in all forms, in all shapes and in all sizes... But however and wherever abuse occurs, it is destructive in all ramifications.

let's discipline ourselves to mitigate against abusive behaviour against anyone or anything.

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Please do well to reference your image source if they are not originally yours. Nice post

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Thanks for that tip, and thanks for reading my post, i will do the necessary edits now.

Ethics and conduct,Everyone should know.

You know what i realized in life? There is a very big divide between knowing and doing...

Yes, everyone should know. But will everyone do as they know?

Herein lies the key to solve the many problems of life

Well @abasinkanga...this is a subject I feel very strongly about .
.if you read some my older posts I have 21 years of experience dealing with abuse ...physical. .emotional...verbal...financial and sexual...lucky me....so many people fight the cause ...but it's never enough ....there just needs to be awareness....so many times somebody you love is being abused and you would never know...you get good at hiding it...you don't need practice making up excuses it comes to you right away ...thanks for bringing awareness in your post :) :) Kayleigh

Yes indeed! Awareness helps, talking about it too helps. Its crazy! Abuse of one sort or the other occurs on relatively all levels right from the sublimal level, to the all blown out in your face level...

The best way to combat abuse is to strengthen your inner man, and remain good to yourself and to others in all situations.

The apostle Paul hit the nail on the head when he wrote "do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good"

Yes ...I'm happy that you feel so strongly about this issue :) :) I can feel your energy and passion over here reading it.. :) :)

Wherever abuse occurs, it always relate the nature of the enviroment ones finds him/herself. I think the introduction of proper moral upbringing is the key to reduce it to the bearest minimum possible.

Yes. Thats a good solution too. We are living in an age of moral decadence however