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RE: How To Destroy Steemit in 3 Easy Steps!

in #abuse8 years ago

"Then Dan Larimer rolls over in his grave, because when he first created Steem, he had feared this self-voting behaviour, and had created the algorithm to deal with it effectively."

I don't think Dan would even care at all though; I think it's pretty clear at this point that Steemit is the experiment to EOS' mass adoption, whether this was intentional or not. That means it's up to us to fix most of whatever needs addressing over here.

I've detailed my stance of being non-plussed regarding self-voting elsewhere, and think that most of the solutions proposed to curtail it fail to effectively target the supporting mechanisms that actually make it cannibalistic for the reward pool (like multiple accounts voting each other up via bots, etc.). So while I would support this idea of zero-dollar-value self-voting to counter it, without hesitation; unfortunately, I don't think it would stop the most egregious of this type of behaviour.