
Just so everyone’s clear, I did stop my flagging until I realized @fulltimegeek did not.

Have I ever flagged your supporters like you do to me? Also, when exactly did you stop flagging? I find that laughable.

You don’t like my strategy?

I stopped flagging you and those you support, not flagging in general (and never will).

Well, I'm just catching up, why did you flag the post about Brian? Sheesh.

@whatsup, he didn't flag the post about Brian, someone named @neel190 did though, eww..

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FTG upvoted Brian's post with some bots actually:

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What's happening, since the incidentFlag War. that I talk about in my vid, is that @fulltimegeek has had his bots downvoting all of bernie's comments as soon as his comments are upvoted, it nullifies them to 0.00. Part of his strategy in this

Does that make sense?

if you want the job of checking every single one of bernie's comments and filtering out the good ones from the bad ones, lemme know. Until then, I will flag all his comments (with rewards) because they are usually insults to other steemians.