The Weinstein revelations,, A larger Abusive relationship, like the "family" I've tried speaking about since the 70's

in #abuse7 years ago

More and more I hear stories and reports of abuse and people having the same experiences that I and many other vulnerable, innocent children do in their own homes.

I'm writing these blogs and making ‎video blogs on my youtube channel, April Watters, because I could not speak out about these issues for most of my life. Or, if you spoke it, I was guilted, shamed further, I was told to just "get over it".

I'm writing this blog because people who are even more vulnerable than those abused by Harvey Weinstein do not get the attention‎ they so desperately need and deserve. People, adults today and many children who have it worse than I did, I am speaking out for. Child abuse and dysfunction in the "home" has long been too normalized.

The abusive "family" has spread like the wild fires and nothing has been done for millions of the most vulnerable who have no way to speak out. They become part of the problem.

Imagine this; those who are meant to give the innocent the support and leverage they require are the very ones preying on them instead. What is that creating? Like Climate breakdown, an human environmental disaster has been created for decades and those who are meant to be the future are being enslaved by very sick people. It happens on all levels.

Like deforestation, we have De Humanization. A total enslavement of the most vulnerable instead of those who have the support to go up against abuse of power, the succumb to it instead.

This is an environmental disaster on epic proportions. The women who have been abused by Weinstein speak of needing the job and not reporting being raped by Weinstein. A larger Abusive "family" scenario. With so many people being born to "familiesl , "parents" who can't raised and teach their children to have some leverage and to resist those in power rather than bowing and "needing" them nature and health are being totally destroyed.

There are NO real adults!! No REAL mature, responsible humans and only adult children and preditors.

In an interview on Democracy Now Tomi- Ann Roberts described her encounter with Weinstein over 30 yrs ago when she was 20 in 1984, same age as myself, and the fight, flight or freeze response that occurs when faced with an abusive situation and person. She spoke about the psychological exit stradegy of putting the fault on herself who was not ready or up to what Weinstein wanted her to do.

This is the same Debt Economy I speak about and try to teach about the abusive "family". So to not "poke the bear" as Tomi-Ann put it, she put the blame on herself to make her exit. This is what automatically happens to children in many abusive siutaions, not all. They "need" the person in power so they go into Debt and make the abuse their fault and bail out the abuser. This is such an important point for people to understand. The same as a body going into shock, the blood is taken from the parts of the body that the body can survive without, limbs, extremities, and send it to the parts the body can't survive without like the heart, brain, lungs.

Due to our Disaster Capitalism system, this way of "relating" will continue to become the norm and accelerate like the wild fires in California.

A child is trapped in the situation of abusive "parents" and can't leave unless someone intervenes. If not, the child's energy and psyche are "bled out" and the child repeatedly puts the abuser over themselves thereby, "funding" their own abuse. Without someone there for the vulnerable, they will bleed out completely and be left with no sense of self. There body and soul will be taken over and used completely by the abuser‎. This is exactly what those in "power" want.

Louise Godbold expressed her experiences of assault by Weinstein and how she didn't say anything because she felt it would be "career suicide" since she was trying to get a start in the film industry.

I just want to stop here and again point out the feeling of being trapped with no choice but to feel one has to put up with abuse if you want to pursue ones "dream". Those in power take advantage of the dreams, aspirations and out right desperation of those trying to do what is their right in life to do,

I have to point out how this happens in "homes" by abusive "parents" exactly the same way. Sick people get off on having power and control over the vulnerable and take total advantage of the dependence of a person. In fact, the more someone in a "power" position knows that a person is vulnerable and despearte, the more likely they are to abuse the situation and the person. And that makes children a prime target.

The family, even if parents are not abusive but, lack the ability ‎to give their child leverage because they don't have any creates desperate people primed to be abused and taken advantage of by the system. The firewall of Family has been eroded.

Due to growing up in abuse at an early age I was aware and on the look out for abuse where ever I went. I expected it since I was used to it and no relative or neighbor taught me otherwise. I was on my own; hypervigilant.

Louise Godbold was asked why women of assault carry the shame of the abuser. She responded by siting our societal conditioning, parenting and of being compliant.

This is what happens in "families" also. Children are trained to carry the psych debt of guilt & shame that does not belong to them from the toxic emotions of "parents" who use their own children the same way Weinstein did. ‎It's all part of our debtors prison system. The same reason the Banks get Bailed out and the public gets Sold Out. People are not taught to stand up to abusers but to take on and carry the debt. There would need to be someone there for the vulnerable to teach them to stand up and give the shame back to the abuser.

It's the emotional level of Texaco dumping pollution in the Amazon or the BP Oil spill.

Louise Godbold sited the Adverse Child Experience study and states that abused and traumatized children are more likely to be victimized later in life.

Louise stated that victims carry the shame because there is no one countering it. There's no one on the victims side. Something I've been saying for decades.

She goes onto say how family and friends, thinking they're giving you good advice tell you, don't rock the boat and don't get involved when that's the opposite of what the abused need. They need leverage and encouragement to speak and stand up. It's basic physics. An object or person in motion stays in motion unless acted on by an outside source. Weinstein gets all the momentum and clearing of the pavement for his abusive actions while those engaging in Right action get friction. It needs to be turned the other way around. ‎That takes conscious effort and work.

Louise spoke again about fight, flight or freeze and how we need to educate about trauma. What fight,flight,freeze illustrates is the level of human Climate Breakdown we've advanced to similar to polar bears having to swim longer to find ice.

We can't allow abuse to be normalized.

Louise Godbold spoke of the healthy pain and anger that comes from not being believed for over 2 decades. ‎How she would have loved for someone to tell her that she was acting bravely in speaking out rather than being told to sit down and shut up, not to make any waves.

Well, people need to understand, we need the kind of waves made by those standing up against abussers and Not the waves made By the abuser!

Why do so many people make those standing up against abuse wrong and the abusers actions go unchallenged? I've asked this question for decades. Those around me seem to have the attitude that not standing up is going to solve problems when all it does is increase them. How did people get so disoriented and lacking in courage?

Irin Carmon expressed how courageous the women were who spoke out. ‎She spoke about Ronin Farrow's attempts at getting this stroy of Weinsteins abuse published. She said the standard of corraborating stories is so high that it ends up revictimizing the victims. We have to ask ourselves why? Who is setting the standard? The abusers that's why.

Irin Carmon said how Weinstein "bought off people who were an impediment to him"‎. This is what $ does. Creates a false reality disconneced from the real one because so many people put fake $ over truth and what's right. Fake $ is creating a human climate breakdown because it is at the expense of real justice. It's not just the earth's climate being destroyed.

Irin said how Weinstein attended the women's march in Utah and showed how people like Weinstein can use issues to cloak their misdeeds. Hiding their abuses in actions contrary to who they really are.

This is why I've practiced and talk about mindfulness, meditation and yoga which is all about looking close, paying attention and which is all about incorporating in nature's process rather than skipping over it which is exactly what the $ system doesn't want. Taking the time to look is the enemy of this system.

So, watch out for people who claim to be your allies, is her point. The same point I've been making about the abusive "family" for decades.

Then the co host of Democracy Now, Naimeen Scheike‎ read something written by Weinsteins secratary about the unequal power of herself in age and position as Weinstein. He a "10 and herself a 0".

Again I want to get people to think about what abused children go through with their own "parents". We simply do not hear about it and not enough is being done to deal with abuse in any environment. If older people and people in the spotlight are experiencing such blatant abuses, imagine what‎ horrible abuses children go through and have no way to express? I encourage people to watch Conspiracy of Silence banned Documentary on youtube.

"It's the very abuse of power" that Weinstein liked in these scenarios, not that he liked pretty girls, Carmon said.

She then spoke of the actress, Ambra Battilana Gutierrez, who wore a wire for the NYPD and returned to Weinstein's place to gain evidence ‎of harassment and got it only for the "prosecution", Cy Vance to not prosecute Weinstein and receive 10k a couple of days later.

They are speaking about the exact issues children deal with everyday with abusive "parents" and have NO power to do anything about it. They are ground up by this system which lowers the bar for everyone else. Like human soil erosion.

I'm still trying to recover from trauma to this day. It's a crisis that there is NO safe place and real help for vulnerable people who have been abused to go to. This is Nothing other than a Health Crisis and Psychological Climate Breakdown! It's No different than destroying the planet. Plain and simple. If it isn't countered, we will destroy ourselves.