I have read the "written war" between drakos and grumpy cat ... well, I can only say that if there is no adult level in their personality they will continue this war just for their egos ...
3 months ago when I started to "perform" on this platform, all the steemians told me about this grumpy cat calling it very "sneaky", to be more careful with what I am posting cause the sneaky cat will come and downvote my posts ... really it was a huge frustration, thinking that someone that I don`t know without any effort, with a single click to downvote a post without any apparent reason....just for fun...I hope this issue will be resolved and the person behind it will start be human not a sneaky cat .
Always remember as I put in my post that a single entity regardless of how big their sp amount is cannot make laws on steemit it has to be a mutual agreement, grumpy's demands originally appeared to be reasonable but now have escalated. This is why I wrote the post forewarned is forearmed.
I have read the "written war" between drakos and grumpy cat ... well, I can only say that if there is no adult level in their personality they will continue this war just for their egos ...
3 months ago when I started to "perform" on this platform, all the steemians told me about this grumpy cat calling it very "sneaky", to be more careful with what I am posting cause the sneaky cat will come and downvote my posts ... really it was a huge frustration, thinking that someone that I don`t know without any effort, with a single click to downvote a post without any apparent reason....just for fun...I hope this issue will be resolved and the person behind it will start be human not a sneaky cat .
Always remember as I put in my post that a single entity regardless of how big their sp amount is cannot make laws on steemit it has to be a mutual agreement, grumpy's demands originally appeared to be reasonable but now have escalated. This is why I wrote the post forewarned is forearmed.