you've a right to your opinion
I spend ten or twelve hours a day on Steemit.
youre telling ME that I can only do FOUR posts?
I don't like that one LITTLE bit.
looking back on YOUR record.
you've a right to your opinion
I spend ten or twelve hours a day on Steemit.
youre telling ME that I can only do FOUR posts?
I don't like that one LITTLE bit.
looking back on YOUR record.
I completely understand where you are coming from, and your first point is valid. As for my record, it has been pretty strictly 4 or less within each 24 hour period, although there have been sometimes when it did hit five. I once thought about cutting back to only posting once per day, and there were those who were disappointed in that, so I increased the frequency after a few days.
so how come you are the number one or number two 'most posts made' with over 40K a few months ago before SteemWhales died?
(I was keeping track)
I had a mere 20K...and was trying to catch you.
(like a tricycle trying to catch a lambo)
I think comments are included in that total.
yup..I'm sure they are.
lookit THIS many comments did you get?(and make)