I think putting some new (or old for that matter) limitations in place may help... though honestly... wouldn't we just see @haejin2 and @haejin3 if that were the case?!
I hope we'll get a seperate VP for flagging pool or something along those lines in a new HF asap. Flagging needs to be less costly so that the community (whales especially) finally isn't disincentiveised from flagging anymore!
P.S.: little did I know that @haejin2 is already a thing :P
Yes, you are correct I believe. I had not initially thought of that. People could also just upvote their own comments over and over again, while only making four "posts" total for the day. I was hoping for an easy fix, but apparently was not looking at things from every angle.
The important part is really just bringing some more awareness to the situation!
Thanks man! You being concerned on the matter does count for a lot around here I think!
Too many people are obsessed with the short term profitability over the longer term health of this ecosystem.
I hear you.