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RE: Message to @haejin and @ranchorelaxo + Flag Targets

in #abuse7 years ago (edited)

You tried before to censor my content via an ill composed open letter trying to dictate what I can and can't post. And yet here you are trying again to censor on votes. You're basically threatening me an ultimatum saying that IF I don't comply to your requirements, YOU will attack. BTW, I have been up voting others and if you didn’t even bother to check before threatening, it’s your bad error.

Have you considered that such self directed censorship initiatives can cause the exit of one of Steemit’s biggest investor? How exactly does a censorship forced exit of $1.45 Mil help Steemit? Better yet, have you also considered how censorship prevented the potential doubling or triple of the $1.45 Mil investment? Do you even realize that your type of censorship is actually driving away investments?

Meanwhile, here is just a small sample of your self upvotes of your own comments. I self upvote as a protective moat against the trolls and haters downvoting. What is your reason?

protective self upvotes. The trolls and haters like you force me to carry out the protective upvotes!If you can compell @done and his posse as well as @fulltimegeek to lay off their downvotes on the day seven posts, I’ll have a greater reason to reduce my

ANY post of mine that is made invisble or heavily downvoted will be rightfully reposted! I will not succumb to Gustapo type of threats or ultimatums!


You tried before to censor my content via an ill composed open letter trying to dictate what I can and can't post.

Removal of incentive is not censorship. It's kinda interesting that you don't realize this.

Telling a person how many posts to post, or how to use their votes is censorship. As is downvoting posts until they don't display. In general, if you are trying to force behaviour it is censorship even if it's by negative reinforcement. They are censoring his voting behaviour.

His message is! Read for Christ sake the content before you put out a baffoon comment!

I am using standard, widely received definitions. You are resorting to name calling instead of addressing my point. You are not making yourself look very good, sir.

"The suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security."

Oxford Dictionary

So, is that your definition of censorship? I note that on Steemit lowering the upvote amount reduces views, and that reducing it to the point that the post is made invisible does so more. Both of these meet the suppression standard of censorship, rather than the strawman of 'reduced incentives' you put out.

It's not about looking good now man, he's fucking pissed for all the shit he had to go through because of the shitty torture those pathetic scummy trolls ever-so-kindly graced him with.

Man, try to look at this whole shit from his point of view -

Imagine you were been bullied, roasted, name-called, spammed at, been a target of racist comments and so many other negative shit, and that too for almost two straight fuckin years - every. single. day. right from the minute one.

Tell me @inertia, would you still talk the way you're talking now; with "manners", "class" and whatnot?

Eagerly awaiting for your reply.

"It's not about looking good now man, he's fucking pissed for all the shit he had to go through because of the shitty torture those pathetic scummy trolls ever-so-kindly graced him with.

Man, try to look at this whole shit from his point of view -"

I've been looking at this from several points of view. I can see the validity of some of the points of view directed at Haejin.

Maybe Haejin should also look at some of the comments and maybe scale back his daily posts. As a compromise.

Personally, I think it's cool that Haejin is making for his posts. But if he's posting 10 times a day and making roughly the same on every post. Maybe he should scale back a little and let others have a shot of making that money.

Yeah, us reasonable people are trying to talk to him, while some dumfuks are still blindly raging on haejin and co, without even being ready to engage in any form of discussions, whatsoever.
They prolly only need a means of letting out their IRL anger and steem, and poor haejin seems like the perfect target for them.
Cunts, I say.

Thanks for the straight-forward reply, man; missed it a lot around here. looking at you @inertia

Thanks for the straight-forward reply, man; missed it a lot around here. looking at you @inertia

I don't give straight replies to people who are all over the place. I had a main point: removal of incentive is not censorship. All I got as a reply was name-calling and you defending the name-calling. There's no point in going over that.

Well. "poor haejin" I think he's making enough now not to be called poor anymore. =)

If you are speaking to Haejin. Maybe you can convince him to just post once a day for a few weeks. Then he can up that to twice a day and keep it there. That might help calm things down around here.

And also. My last post seems relevant here.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

do your homework Yes....more like 10+ months....but then again, that's like 5 years in crypto-time

Not my point.

Then go delete your comment?
EDIT: or at least edit it man. elaborate please.

So I need to edit my comment because you can't follow along with my point? Also, what's with the sock puppet?

Their accounts haven't been destroyed. UI components do not REKT accounts. Websites are free to opt-in or opt-out of reputation data. Some sites do and they implement UI rules that adhere to the reputation data. It's up to the site owners because they own their own site. If you don't like it, go start your own site. You can use the same blockchain if you want.

You really shouldn't use a word like "censorship" if you don't know what it means. And since you clearly don't understand that word, I have my doubts that you can wield "bullying" too.


You dont get it.
I can downvote you whenever i want.
Your stupid "protection" selfupvote is just not usefull if you do it right in the dark.

You can protection selfupvote if you have to eat a downvote.
But now i downvote this because its overvalued.

Got it?

Who cares about 1,45Million leaving the space.
Only you care because you benefit the most!

Do you care if content providers that consistently provide content irregardless of the price of Steem leave the platform? Because not everyone wants to read poems and look at pretty pictures, some would rather get technical updates. People can see the same updates on YouTube, and @haejin would still make money... but would the platform be better off?

All I can do is SMILE!

@haejin, you try to shift the blame off of yourself by blaming promobots. You have your own personal promobot, @ranchorelaxo, and that's the problem. You pay for it off of the chain. At least the promobots are transparent unlike you weasels.

Also, promobots distribute STEEM and SBD to tonnes of different accounts. Some will hodl/power up, some will cash out. You get your personal ranchobot to funnel it all to you. How's that power down going? Your 20th time. You and ranchorelaxo are a vacuum, only here to take as much as you can as quickly as possible.

It's really going to end up biting you in the ass one way or the other though. And that's why I smile.

How many of those bots provide content that gets views? Content providers should be able to write posts, post them, and get paid. If they invest $1.5M to promote their content they will get bigger returns. That's how the platform works... I think people underestimate how difficult it is to get TA, and how many people follow it.

That being said, if you want to invest and use the investment to redirect the reward pool more power to you.

Punching others in the face because you got hurt somewhere else and telling about selfdefense will be not excepted by some curt.

I'm not on any trial! Remember the drunken gibberish shit you sent via psycho wallet messages? Did I punch your mouth for that?

But it looks like you are on a trail. I can see on my downvoted comments which are "invisibel" now.

What you do and what you say are different.
All alarmbells are ON when i read you.

Before you write about drunken gibberish shit again...
I am allowed to write what i want or not?

I am talking arguments in gibberish style.
Your arguments are weak or wrong.

Did others punch your mouth that you need to talk about selfdefense?

Can you see the fail in your line?

But now i downvote this because its overvalued.

BS criteria, but blockchain and steemit allows it nonetheless.
Hope EOS fixes this problem.

No wonder Steemit and STEEM are crashing, eh @ned?

Overvalued is the only criteria.
Because you upvote when its undervalued.

Nah man, I'm saying @ned needs to fix this fuckin loophole. He ain't doing shit about it. tf is communities gonna do for this?

I bet the EOS peeps will fix this problem; it's got Dan, Brock etc. on its team any way, they'll figure it out. Cya there bud

I read Brock was no longer associated with EOS. Mebbe @dan can figger it out.

No one is censoring you, or even really denting your earnings. You make 3000 USD per day here, all from one promobot, your own personal one @ranchorelaxo, who gave you everything you have. Stop trying to get pity.


I have made my point here. If you care about your investment, you better read it. Also, for anybody reading, don't hesitate to share opinions.

No longer supporting #SteemFlagRewards. They did not like what we provided for them.

You are a stupid parasite who does not add any value to the blockchain. I wish that you fuck off with all your investment and never come back to Steem. You are the major reason why I did not post or remain active on Steem for more than four weeks.

@Transisto, thank you for standing up. I felt discouraged to be on Steem because of what this Haejin and similar people have done to the platform lately.

You are the major reason why I did not post or remain active on Steem for more than four weeks.

Are you sure about that?

Yes. Quite sure.

But why not start posting again? Sure, you could continue to use haejin's actions as an excuse, but it's not that he's standing behind you, holding a gun to your head, ordering you not to post right?
So post.

I am posting and replying for two days now. :)

That's great to hear; keep going.