Thanks @hendrix22, btw I forgot to mention great article ;), now one basic decision without major technical change is to make comments mandatory to be able to flag members above a chosen rep number. and by comment I mean a comment not just a shit one just for the sake of it but a clear explaination of why you are flagging. At the moment the REP number is only usefull to know which ass you want to lick to get upvotes (It sad but it's true). The REP number is or could be a good indicator of the person's commitment to the platform but has no leverage on it. This number should have a better meaning on what it's like to commit on steemit and a redesign of it is necessary.
If you want to flag without commenting then a 50% downvote would be the maximum authorised.
My screen time is limited I'll come back to it cheers!
So far @berniesanders is doing what he can with his whale stake to control this but as much as I can agree with this it shouldn't fall on whales to dictate the contents. OK it's great to invest with money but that shouldn't be the main leverage on the content that everyone else is investing in.
Thanks @hendrix22, btw I forgot to mention great article ;), now one basic decision without major technical change is to make comments mandatory to be able to flag members above a chosen rep number. and by comment I mean a comment not just a shit one just for the sake of it but a clear explaination of why you are flagging. At the moment the REP number is only usefull to know which ass you want to lick to get upvotes (It sad but it's true). The REP number is or could be a good indicator of the person's commitment to the platform but has no leverage on it. This number should have a better meaning on what it's like to commit on steemit and a redesign of it is necessary.
If you want to flag without commenting then a 50% downvote would be the maximum authorised.
My screen time is limited I'll come back to it cheers! So far @berniesanders is doing what he can with his whale stake to control this but as much as I can agree with this it shouldn't fall on whales to dictate the contents. OK it's great to invest with money but that shouldn't be the main leverage on the content that everyone else is investing in.