
You can delegate just 10SP to the above accounts to do your part. if enough people delegate to it it might get the job done.

Thank you so much for voicing your opinion. We as a community need to rise up together and put a stop to him Now! I appreciate your upvote and even more your resteem!! Thank you :)

Thank you for your reply. I felt I had to take a side and it was obvious which one to take. I wrote a post a few weeks ago for awareness. Hopefully more people will understand that while the rules are not optimal and allows for this sort of behavior, that doesn't mean it be done anyway. It's sick, but at the same time this sort of behavior should be expected given how the platform is set up. Haejin needs to be stopped but I think it is more critical that the platform is tweaked. I can't understand how this goes issue goes unnoticed and not addressed. Baffling.

It hasn't gone unnoticed. @berniesanders and @themarkymark have been after him for a while now. They have tried to talk to him. His response is along the lines of I'm still making tons of money and you can't stop me.

I believe he thinks he's unstoppable. If he gets banned he has other accounts he can fall back on. With the amount of downvoting I hear he gets I'm surprised that he gets anything, but the records show otherwise.

If the constant downvoting and attempts to talk to him aren't working then what is the next course of action? (Yes I am still really new to this) Do we all start an all out campaign posting war ??

I resteem anytime anyone does a post like this, since you all have been around longer and know exactly what the issue is. I totally get all the bogus accounts and upvoting himself essentially and the fact his content is junk.

I'm aware of bernie and markymark, but what about a word from steemit core team or our elected witnesses?

i doubt that the majority of active steemit users are unaware of the problem, by now. however, the people that can actually push to make platform changes haven't done anything.

the large issue is how to get suggestions heard and considered overall. i see weekly "how to make steemit better" posts but they get written and fall into the ether abyss. the fact that this issue hasn't been addressed by now is baffling.

Steemit Inc will not interfere with this because it's not an issue that warrants their action. (attention yes, I can bet they are watching VERY closely).

The best course of action is the community itself rising up to the pitchforks and make a statement. And this is one of the better ways to do it. Since haejin is very clear that he's here to rape the reward pool.

Just a simple 10SP delegation is enough to make a point.

Bernie and MarkyMark are true heroes and they did, and are doing a LOT for the platform!!!

You are correct. We as users and not developers are unable to make that change. The only change we can make is flag the posts down to a normal reward and hope the dev's can make the changes to the platform.