in #abuse8 years ago (edited)

So now, every time I post anything,
@blacklist instantly flags me, every time.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Does this happen to everyone?
If not, why am I targeted?

How does this differ from cyber bullying?
I've been bullied before and don't much care,
as long as I have the opportunity to defend myself,
which, in this case, I do not.

If I am going to live in a world
where I am subject to these stupid bullying laws,
I am going to take advantage of them.

How does this pattern of targeting differ from harassment?
Cyber crimes are really illegal these days.
Surely the NSA can track down who this harassment bot belongs to.
What are they doing with my money anyway?

If I acted like this @blacklist bot, I would expect trouble.
Does anyone else think this is a problem?
Does anyone else think that this is not the way
to grow an enthusiastic user base?

If I ever find out who programmed this cyber-crime
I'm going to have you prosecuted for harassment.
This goes for all the other flag stalkers
that do these repeated hit and runs.
All the evidence is in the blockchain, and will stay right there.
So please, continue to incriminate yourselves.

This is @lifeworship, putting you on notice.
Stop this now, because if you ever show up
connected to this criminal behavior,
you are going to pay for it.

You might even think this is funny,
but all I have to do is get
my attorney to convince a judge,
then it becomes legal reality.



I also feel it, maybe my posts and you are not too good

Hopefully we're in the process of finding out.

I agree. I am trying to come up with some way to blow off steam from this stupid crap. I figure if I keep doing it I'll come up with a workable plan, which I think, this is not, but it felt good posting it.

Good face palm. What sculpture is this?

As far as I understand you must have abused in some way the publishing rules, may be posted spam or too many posts at one time. Could be that your content was not appropriate. The point is that you don't get black balled for no reason, must have done something wrong. Guess you could try getting in touch with @ned or @dantheman. Good luck!

Thanks for the comment.

I have violated none, not one, of the publishing rules. I have publicly put whoever it is on notice. What they do now is up to them. If they want to continue, the evidence will just continue to pile up in the blockchain. What happens after this will be for the judge to decide.

Who are "They" and what is happening? I am looking at your posts and I am baffled at what gives payouts and what not. How does this work? who is paying and censoring?

I don't know who is responsible for the flag bots.

I've been here since August and still don't know how to ensure success of a post. I more often make more than a quarter by instructional, health, or cathartic complaining posts. I'm trying to keep the complaining to a minimum. Nothing is certain here. If there was a resurgence of black plague, you might still be more likely to make money from a photo of a fly on a leaf, than a post on how to cure plague with water and salt, even if it worked.

I don't know what garnered me the highest vote count.
The most money I've made so far, I think was a meme.

That was 5 months ago when steem was worth more, right? Also, is it that there are only a few whales, (mostly the creators and preminers of steem) and that their votes are weighted such that they are really the only ones that can move the needle in terms of payout from votes and have the "reputation" to flag?

You got it, all of it, first guess.

The steem price ride has been a long slow decline, but if the censorship trend keeps up on youtube and twitter, and if another, better platform doesn't replace Steemit, and if the government doesn't shut down the whole thing because it's too hard to censor, maybe it'll become something. That's way too many "ifs" for me. The reason I've stuck around, is so I can attempt to impart a small bit of knowledge I've found in this world to people who follow and vote for me, and for the intelligent people I get to talk to. Intelligence is in short supply where I live.

Yes I am guilty of this and now blacklisted, but I blame the lack of settings in a plugin - steempress. How do you recover from it??

wow below you can see how many people are blacklisted :| , kind of shameful , if it was the usual you would get a notice and you should have committed a serious offense , like identity theft :D , are you a shapeshifting life worshiper :D ,

No joke I know, this is total bs , so far i would argue you should comment away , and in the meantime , stack those posts up , until bots are fucked , or you have your army to combat it , maybe contact the @steembot-general :D
or his maker , find someone influential on that list and work together , dunno.

It's a real shame , matrixdweller is at the same place , sure he makes silly posts , but auto flag is too much and weeks of it :| , people won't learn , they will either stop caring or get annoyed and go to war like he did , dunno what has happened before but I was reading on some bot wars and the battlefields were huge :D

or yeah , rather just ddos the blacklist :D , but you need support , and this is trash , just like the you tube algorithms , so many banned accounts , deleted content , disrupted revenues , just trash in general , I have to say i still hate youtube for it and steemit came at the right time , right now my youtubing watch time is down to 10% :D so fuck google , youtube are great , but fuck google , just like fuck activision , sure everyone agreed for a bigger arket share , but just like blizzard fucked up their games and made them mainstream , so did youtube and made them trash , right now everyone appeals to somebody,

Sorry about that I guess I went on a rant of my own :| , you can always resteem :D , and hopefully blacklist won't flag those posts too |:D

That's it from me , maybe add a github issue :| which isn't right but I'm not sure who owns the list , and i guess ned and dan are on the chat some of the time :)

Cheers bro dunno what happened , thought you had a problem because somebody else got flagged, anyway welcome to the botlist, i guess many bots have voted for you in the past so this is a fucked up karma or some shit :|

Wow even that page says so :| , bs i you ask me , but already did say so

Thank you for you comments.

I have had many of the same thoughts. I think I am targeted because I don't put up with crap from idiots. If someone is mistaken I tell them so. I also leave open the option that I am wrong, and make certain I know what I'm talking about before I retort. I do try to be calm about it. Sometimes people persist in their ignorance and begin with the name calling. This I will not abide.

I will, eventually take my content efforts and move on. If the people who run this place can't keep automated crap machines from ruining people's work, why should I contribute?

If/when I find a better place to contribute to, I will do my best to let the best people on Steemit know.

Thanks again.

I am not flag anyone and i donk know why every time i recive a message your post because you mention me . I never flag enyone and i think i will never do that because the flag is to powerfull now , it can ruin your entire work if someoane dont like you and it is not fair . I hope this will be fixed in the future because it is not right like this , i hate drama and i try to post godd content but if someoane dont like me and i recyve a flag i am scrowed and it is not fair
. Why you guys all be good and don't flag anyone only if that is a realy bad person , If he post bad content tell him because maybe in his mind he thinks it is good , we must be a family here and every bad think we make it is forever. Sorry for my very bad english :(

I haven't mentioned you. If you are getting messages, they are coming from somewhere else.

It is nice to meet you, and I wouldn't worry about your English. I think I understood everything.
I have only used the flag once, since August. I do try to find other options.

Thank you for your comments.

Check the hidden comments below. The mentions are done by another mention spamming bot.

In regards to the blacklist bot, I tend to believe it's a scam.. Check this:

"you must send 40 STEEM to the @blacklist account" ... "Someone from our staff will then manually look at your blog within the next 24-48 hours and remove you from the list"

So it is actually worse than harassment. It is fraud. They won't be getting anything from me except my ire, unless I find out who they are. I hope this is dealt with soon, or I will quit and leave people who do this to others to do it to themselves.

I wonder if I randomly was chosen or was targeted by someone. Any idea how to find out?

Thanks for the information, it's appreciated.

While annoying, I don't think downvoting your posts constitutes a crime. Even if it did, you probably can't prove who it is. Even if you could, what applies in your jurisdiction may not apply in his. etc.

I agree, but it doesn't hurt to try in this ridiculous world, and if he is in the US, and it goes across state lines, it's even better, because it's federal. Have you seen some of the stupid cases people win these days?