I wasn’t actually defending him.. I was saying your statement was incorrect (please reread my above statement).. and that you are not completely innocent in this.
I was curating all those people..along with many more.. doing my best to make a positive impact on this community.
Bernie does good things for this place.. he’s a bit too nasty for my taste sometimes.. but I can see the things he does, and think he is an asset here.
What I did notice about you though is while I came here with a respectful comment that disagreed.. you immediately felt the need to call me names. So, like I said.. I think there are more productive things to do here..
Why did you add that statement? When did I say I was a God?
You’re right, I’ll admit that was maybe uncalled for. What I have seen though is an individual who will not admit he is wrong and has a bit of a god complex (like many others here), stating that you are here to defend the blockchain but only actually doing things that effect your close circle.
For the record, I also think you do some good things here too.. and quite frankly, don’t understand this recent war and your defending of an individual that does not deserve defending. Being able to admit when one is wrong, make a change, and move on is a pretty amazing thing.. hopefully you both can do so and we as a community can unite.
I'm sorry for my name calling as well.
It's better to understand something then to go off on your feelings before leaving a comment. My #1 objective is to attract more people to the Steem blockchain while bernie's is to scare them away. A quick look at his account(s) activity should be enough proof that I'm not lying to you.
I feel I have a pretty good understanding of both of your actions here.. I’m not one to go off on an emotional tangent and I believe my comments here prove that. I just disagree with the context and feel it’s important to have a discussion involving all the facts, not just some.
I’m more intelligent and more knowledgeable about the inner workings of this place then maybe my accounts leads one to believe.. one thing that anyone can see though is that I put my heart and soul into this place and am committed to make it better.
Also, I have no problem calling out any account.. no matter what size, if they are in the wrong. As I’ve done this to Bernie as well.. I have no blind ties to anyone, rather will fight for this community until the end.
And what I see right now, is two individuals hurting this place who should be the ones helping it. Hopefully you take some time to think about that.. and maybe have a simple discussion with Bernie.. I know he said he was willing.. hell I’ll bring the coffee and cookies to get the party started.
Much Love and Steem on,
He enjoys this too much to resolve it. Sad truth.
You’re right, I do drive away the whack jobs that never buy any Steem and leech rewards. That ain’t gonna stop. Whack jobs like you should be dealt with.
That’s because he’s a hypocrite. Plain and simple.
At least I own up to having fun and being an asshole.
Keep in mind @fulltimegeek also believes the Earth is flat and hosts aliens inside it. That should give you an idea of who you’re dealing with.