Male Feminists

in #abuse4 years ago

Male Feminists

Male Feminists fall into four main categories.

  1. Predator
  2. Subservient White Knight
  3. "Yes Darling"
  4. Uneducated male

1. Predator

This is the worst kind but also the least common. They feign being supportive but are simply looking for sex or to manipulate and control women in some way.

2. Subservient White Knight

These are the most common kind by a stretch. They believe they know what women want, but really just suck up to them.

They infantilize women and think that women need their help, often to the point of privately patronizing female "gifts" and abilities, putting them on a pedestal.

Male Feminists are unconsciously driven by The Male Biological Imperative which, simply put, is what drives men to rescue "women and children first" and to defend the honor of women at all costs. This a powerful instinctive reaction that has been put there by Nature to maintain the species survival. Painful examples of it can be found in subreddits like r/Fightporn (not for the faint hearted), that show endless real life examples of men pouncing violently on other men whenever a woman is physically challenged by a male.

Male Feminists often claim to have a "lesbian feminist friend" that they consult with regularly, thus believing themselves to have a superior education and understanding of both sides of the fence.

Unfortunately, and in most cases, these men become easy targets for dominating women. They do their bidding completely unaware that they are being manipulated. A perfect example of a Subservient White Knight in the public eye is the former Prince Harry (see title picture caricature). He has been completely taken over with no idea that it has happened. This is common.

3. "Yes Darling"

These kind are closer in numbers to the Subservient White Knight, but have learnt that saying nothing is the best policy. Just agreeing with women makes for an easier life.

The difference between this man and the Subservient White Knight, is that they have kept their own mind. They are independent thinkers, but they are usually scared of women. Mummy issues abound.

They often date dominating women, but have learnt ways to manage themselves around them to avoid admitting to their innate awareness that she is not always right. When things get feisty, they will use pacifying phrases like, "I understand" & "Yes darling" until the storm has passed. They are obedient simply because they cannot stand up to her when she throws a tantrum.

If pushed, they will usually end up behaving like a Subservient White Knight rather than standing up to a forceful woman. They will later sheepishly apologise to the lads and make a joke out of it, to which the lads will all nod understandingly.

4. Uneducated Males

This makes up most of the rest of us males, and actually covers the entire category of Male Feminists except for Predators.

These kinds of men have not understood the need or value of standing up to women, or more importantly, why it is vital that we oppose Feminist doctrines if we want to achieve true equity. Equity is possible but equality is not.

Nor have uneducated males understood the covert power of the Feminine to manipulate unconsciously.

Most of all, they have not understood the one thing that women do want - Men strong enough to stand up to their shit. (Something I plan to discuss in a later article).

Some Further Comments

Men and Women have been designed to complement each other's powers by Nature. Masculine power tends to be overt, Feminine power tend to be covert. In Yin and Yang principles there is as much power in surrender as there is in action.

Women's natural proclivity for covert emotional manipulation is the single strongest reason why men have become blind-sided into believing Feminism wants equality. It does not, and it never did. Feminism was always about power and competing with men.

Women are not gentle creatures, they are not made of "sugar and spice and all things nice". They are extremely competitive, and the co-called "sisterhood" is always run by a Queen Bee and policed with the eternal threat of exclusion. Women have a hard life competing with other women.

The ever more visually intrusive "vagina and butt -accentuating" yoga pant syndrome seen appearing in modern society, is a symptom of this competition with each other. The sexual design is not there for attracting men, it is there to beat other women in getting male attention. Think about that. This is the how the feminine functions. Men are simply commodities that women compete over.

But women are also very good at masking their behavior, even denying it in themselves. It is a matter of survival. Hiding their true thoughts and plausible deniability, are two essential tools women must learn to survive. If they fall foul of the social world or the sisterhood, they will be destroyed and ejected.

For women "status" must be maintained to survive, as such hiding their thoughts is second nature, and plausible deniability in sexual encounters will be a priority. Hence why men have to get consent, women only have to give it. If you fail to confirm either of these, it defaults to plausible deniability for the female. Which is why women remain vague when giving consent. It suits them to avoid personal responsibility in most areas of life because it always defaults to the woman's favor. Men get laid off, women get let off.

So, Feminine strength lies in being covert. This inability for the world to see women's power as it functions, is what has given rise to Feminism becoming a tyrannical power in time of peace (where disposable "Toxic" men are no longer needed, and that's probably you).

This has also led to the likes of Amber Heard, Asio Argento and other criminals, getting away with their crimes of male abuse. Male Feminists and especially uneducated males, think all women are innocent by default. A Feminist indoctrinated society - of the kind that can only exist in peace-time - will function from the premise that all women are victims and all men are perpetrators. Sound familiar?

The only way forward is to become educated on the covert tactics of women and Feminism. Come to understand the utter delusion of Male Feminists, they types you will encounter, and for men to become resilient against the onslaught that is coming toward us under the guise of "Toxic Masculinity", but is really just an agenda is to emasculate the entire male population.

If you care about women, men, and our species, you would realise that this Feminist Gulag we are headed towards, would actually be a bad thing for all of us. Especially if war returns or the luxury of modernity collapses for some reason.

Further Reading (ongoing updates)

Below are a few of that things that many men do not understand or know about, and Male Feminists will outright dispute then just on principle. It was thrown together quite quickly but I will update them in the future and write separate articles at some point.

Female HypoAgency & The Male Biological Imperative

Emotional Terrorism

The manipulative and often tyrannical nature of Feminism

The aggressively competitive nature of the so-called "sisterhood"

The undiscussed violence committed by women

Women consistently using victimhood to leverage

The history of Feminism has become a false narrative driven by what is today a billion dollar industry and advertising campaign to drive that narrative.

There are many more and I may add them in at a later date.

In Conclusion

A long road lies ahead. It is going to get worse before it gets better. Feminism is getting into the education system, scientific research, the upper echelons of society, and for the most part changing things for the worse based on false narratives.

To achieve equality is a ridiculous idea. Men can never be women and women can never be men. We complement each other. It's not a fault, it's a feature. The grunt jobs will always be done by men, and if war every returns it is men that will be on the front-line and women back at home working the factories, bearing the children, and keeping the family together. There is nothing wrong with traditional masculinity, especially when it is needed to fight for the homestead.

Feminism has risen to tyrannical status during peace-time. This is not a coincidence. And it will rapidly diminish again if there is a war, suddenly disposable men will be needed again for sacrifice to save women and children. The concept of Toxic Masculinity and the ongoing drive to encourage the emasculation of Testosterone males, is a symptom of the shadow-side of a peaceful society that no longer needs Alpha males to protect it's borders or it's women. We are falling into a trap. Beta males are not a good substitute for survival long-term. Be proud of your "Toxic" masculinity, do not be fooled by the Feminist dogma designed to kill you off.

Falling into a Feminist dominated culture would be a fatal mistake, yet it seems to be happening in our western culture more each day. Think of Gladriel in Lord of the Rings when that weird hobbit relinquishes his personal responsibility and hands his balls over to her (in the form of a ring of power). There is a good reason why we don't give women ultimate power, the most simple reason being they do not think in the same linear way that men do. They function like magnificent storms, while we function like arrows of disposable sacrifice aimed at targets to achieve results.

Of course some women are better at being men than men are, but the exception proves the rule. Many women leaders have been fantastic, but look up "adrenal fatigue" if you want to see how they handle those Yang roles and positions. Mostly women do not think in the linear way that men do, hence why you find mainly men in construction and it is mainly men that have been behind the majority of innovations throughout history.

This is not a fault, it is just the way Nature designed us. Men balance women's power and vice versa. In most cases in nature the female of the species is more powerful than the male. As such the male is given a few extra tricks to survive. And we are going to need them if the slogan "the future is female" comes to pass. Feminism will not be a merciful, compassionate dictatorship, though it will certainly claim to be.

Don't get me wrong. I was never against equality, equity, equal rights for women, fairness, women in positions of power, or the honest handling of anything, but I have lived and suffered at the hands of Feminist dogma long enough to know that it is a complete sham. I have lost friends as a result of Feminism, and I don't mean they don't call me, I mean they are dead (Magnus Neumann, you're wise words and experience of this subject will not be forgotten, bro).

I will never support Feminism because it is a false narrative, and is not directed at equality but at tyranny. Women need to start being a lot more honest about their covert drives and denials in our society. Feminism is not supporting that one bit.

While I will always support women, that does not mean I agree with taking the Male Feminist position and simply agreeing with women because they say so. Quite the opposite. The true job of the male, in my opinion, is to stand strong in the face of feminine rage and still be able to tell her what you think, and she won't like it one bit. That is the clue you are doing it right. The reason this is a problem for men, and the underlying reason for 99% of Male Feminists, is down their failure to address their mummy issues. Unfortunately to date I have not found a cure for Male Feminism. Maybe you will.

And this brings to mind the first stanza and quote from the famous poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling.

"If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all (wo)men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise

If you can do that, then you may be a man, my son.

Posted from my blog at The Temple Space :