No shit he is. I asked him for it and you got Tygh thinking he had a thing to do with it.
Threatened me two days ago. Couldn’t remote view I had evac’d myself as soon as we got you out. Then he called the state.
My mechanics working. Real world.
You know I know how to play the game.
You threaten every day of your life, lolol.
He 'threatened' you. He warned you. You're not welcome there. He did a kind, decent thing to someone living in a home of his family's. Say 'thank you' and move on, Tantrum.
Are you 4?
YOU...didn't get me out.
You're evicted so...I have no idea what you're talking about.
Enjoy PB though! You're back home!
He has you bearing false witness.
Thinks it’s a win.
We just getting started, kids.
The Lord knows all of our deeds.
I’m evicted from the place I left the day before. Nice bloody hands on others for nothing, Tygh. Auroura Trashworthy slays the unaware wolf.
Tygh has no authority over me and you are creating a story that isn’t gonna hold up long. An unecessary once because i asked for a cancellation of the LOMB at an exact point. Isn’t it great He put you in such good hands?