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RE: Crowns & Trees, Stephanos & Wreaths

in #abuse9 months ago

Dis you:


These characteristics, when persistent and chronic, lead to substantial difficulties in maintaining interpersonal connections, causing significant personal and social distress and usually calling for an assessment and treatment by mental health professionals.

Good Luck to you, Matt!


If you are in a situation where you have to communicate with a narcissist, the best strategy is to stay calm and avoid emotional reactions that are likely to fuel their manipulation tactics. Avoid using a confrontational accusatory tone and instead use ‘I’ statements to explain how you feel and what you need. Using 'I' statements when communicating with a narcissist helps to de-escalate situations by reducing defensiveness and promoting understanding. For instance, instead of saying, "You never listen to a word I say," try something like, "I feel unheard when I'm interrupted." By expressing your own feelings and needs, you create a much less confrontational atmosphere.

Remember that a narcissist behaves the way they do due to personal issues, such as low self-esteem and a distorted perception of reality. They may call you names, belittle you, or try to control you, but none of that is a reflection of your worth or value. When you refuse to internalize their negativity and begin to recognize that their destructive behaviors are driven by their own deep issues, it will safeguard your self-esteem and emotional well-being.

It is common for narcissists to use emotional tactics such as guilt-tripping, gaslighting, playing the victim, or love bombing to dominate their targets. These strategies are designed to disorient you, make you doubt your sense of reality, and, ultimately, bend you to their will. This is why it is important to learn about these manipulative tactics and be able to identify them so that you can better protect yourself. Stay strong and stand firm in your boundaries, believe in your intuition, and do not let them play on your feelings or distort your perception of reality.



Vote for Trump. Get your vaccine.

Sour Grapes


Too little, too late

Oh #ImGood.

I don’t need an internet character to romance. I’m filling up on new wine and the love of the daughters of Jerusalem. We’ve been through this and we know how it goes. Whether you pull out of it or not, as always you took an enemy out with the chaos.

Cry victim all you want all you are doing is hyping sympathy for your own lies.

I always thank God a little extra when you get a new supply of fresh blood.

Enjoy your mosquito meal, Cullen

You are being manipulated and used. I gotchu.

No, no, no!

I WAS...being manipulated and used.

Now you're mad that I'm giving my undivided and fiercely loyal attention to someone else who is actually NOT manipulating OR using me. I have never met this human being. He's never spoken to me. I cannot be exploited by someone who has never even heard my name lol.

We project this instrument where we want to, it brings people joy and happiness, including me! It's so freeing to emote, especially with my throat, which has been locked and Ariel'd for a loooong time now under your judgmental and criticizing crazy eyes.

But you're a narc so you can't even see that. You think up is down. Chains are freedom in your wOrLd.

It is not my fault that your symptoms match exactly the symptoms for Narcissism. Apparently critique and rejection is your biggest trigger because the facade of your exceptionalism above all other people is being called into question. So this is very hard for you, the hardest for you, being humiliated in front of exactly 3 people on social media. Just saying that makes me feel like making the jerk-off gesture.

Wisdom is a woman, not a narcissistic asshole who can't maintain OR RE-tain a single relationship with his friends or family to save his life.

All you have now is a newly-brainwashed (Matt'll eventually see it) acolyte, your Mom when she can tolerate you and a drunk every once in a while speaking to you. Eh.

That don't impress me much.