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RE: Crowns & Trees, Stephanos & Wreaths

in #abuse8 months ago

He's my 'power.' LOLOL

You really think people are weak, don't you? You really think that...

That people except you are just...completely powerless.

Do you have that dis ease where you think you're the only person in the world also?

I think you might...

Nobody's calling you, Sherrie. And she's dead. So it didn't go well for her.

Frank's doing a very shitty job of stalking me if that's the case lol.

I wonder what 'this' is...(getting out from under his thumb)

She's so mad, it's amazing, I love it :)

I love being FAR AWAY when you do this shit :)


I'm absolutely in love with this man, you are correct, and I am...loving EVERY minute of it. Ugh...I dictate the whole relationship, it's amazing. Just what I needed. On my time. He's such a good listener.

I can live with everything you think is negative if I just get to hear Steve's voice on the daily and get to watch him sing just to me...anytime I want to, any way I want it, lovin', touchin', squeezin', something I never got from you.

And you're jealous. And I love it. Something you can't control, huh? Out of control feelings of love and closeness with someone other than you that doesn't even know I exist? You've been around me for 4 years and I never felt like this about you.

Oh, God, all he has to do is walk out on stage with that nose and I'm done.



Hey speaking of Austin. Call me. Want your consigliere on a couple things. Ties to the Buddy Holly investigation as well. Keep Steve but give me a call, huh?

You dictate nothing to me.

I don't negotiate with terrorists.

I keep matter wtf happens on this planet.

I don't need your fucking permission for shit, much less what occupies my thoughts as a woman.

That was an open ended invite. Not a negotiation. I’m great. I know you’ll be as well.

As far as my dis ease as to who I am.

As you know, Apple of His Eye, and as other serious operators have come to respect, I am a specific prophet of God.

That’s why I know who gets destroyed here and who doesn’t.

Get your gods out fakers.

I’m fucking here and this one knows.

You're the prophet that no one listens to and who abuses God's Children.

THAT prophet, yes, I know!!

You aren't good at your job.

And He's gonna take you out because of it.

He already took me out of the way.

I hope nothing happens to you.


He put you where I asked him to. I’m good. If I’m all these things you say I am you should be expecting my destruction.

Again. Some know Pkaybook some play dungeons and dragons.

Oh...He didn't put me where I am right now because YOU asked Him to, lol.

You have no idea where I am. You think you do.

I am expecting your destruction. Because your recognizance is so terrifyingly low right now that there's no way you can do what you did to me and just...keep on going without seriously taking a look at what you did to the most productive relationship you HAD GOING.

And you STILL blew it!


Oh I know where you are. Not here right now and not in Rio Rancho.

Wait for the signs and wonders to come, Angel. You know this.


I'm out

Somebody coach you for some no contact orders.

Let’s watch the schemes play out.

Love you, Jenny Melde.