I didn't criticize the method, but the options you give there. You can reach a democratic consensus that we will prevent climate change through technological advancements. When those aren't possible, we will still suffer the consequences of the planet heating up, no matter which method lead to the consensus.
The next part of your comment sounds like "yes doctor, I know you studied this, but I read on the internet...". Thanks for confirming that I wasted my time.
And regarding the rest, you have absolutely no understanding what a decentralized system means. We're not steemit's staff, they are a part of the community like every other stakeholder. You didn't even read the whitepaper of the system you criticize.
I would not say to my doctor that I found something on the Internet which may contradict what he just diagnosed. I know my doc for about twenty years and trust him. I know his practise, how to reach him on phone and I therefore give myself easily into his hands.
Why are you saying you are wasting your time when this exchange of comments can be a means to establish something like trust? Just because I am cautious and openly admit that I have difficulties in giving trust right away?
I don't understand, what are you meaning with "they are a part of the community" in this sentence:
Who, Steemit Inc?
If you would like to know if I have read the whitepaper, just ask me if I did. I'll answer you honestly.
My understanding of decentralization may differ from yours. You talk about a complex matter and I don't think the concept/definition of decentralization is already a fixed one. It's in the development and can contain many flaws as chances. You may look at this papers:
https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/12167461.pdf https://www.sowi.uni-stuttgart.de/abteilungen/oi/publikationen/wsi_schrape_oss.pdf https://www.ssoar.info/ssoar/bitstream/handle/document/46002/ssoar-2016-schrape-Open-Source-Projekte_als_Utopie_Methode_und.pdf?sequence=1
My proposals connected to the systemic consensus method. If you read carefully you will notice that I offered what busies peoples minds currently. But I am not at all determined what I will do with the outcome. I am just really interested in the results. I invited everybody to discuss the proposals and add something.
You are working right now in a group of witnesses. This method might be something for you. I wanted to get attention for the method and used the Zeitgeist. Before, I chose a totally different topic in my first post on systemic consensus. It was a bit too complicated. So that is my second run.
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