I disagree with a lot of things I see on Steemit, but at worst if I think they are really hateful and offensive, I mute them. If it was something like vaccines (I'm not an anti-vaxxer but I'm not "yay all vaccines," either. I try and take a more balanced view. The biggies that have been around for decades, I'm fine with. Certain others have real problems (like the cervical cancer one). Certain others I think should only be given to at-risk populations; hep B for instance, is really only useful for, say, healthcare workers who are dealing with patient blood or people who regularly use needles for any reason. And remember when the flu shot was only recommended for compromised immune system people, the elderly, and such?), I might have discussed, not flagged because the person disagreed. That's just unhelpful. If you want to put forth your thoughts and be educational, do so; trying to silence people isn't going to change anyone's mind on such matters. If someone thinks All Vaccines Are The Bee's Knees, then they should post an article about it. 💁
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