
These memes are funny and true. Newsteem is a concept. It's not a tribe, what makes you and your voting bot the gatekeeper for a concept such as this?!

On that note: while you are asserting yourself as the arbiter of this concept, maybe you can explain to me how a bot you can buy downvotes from is newsteem? The concept seems antithetical to me.

We do meme contests at twitter and etc, but here I think it's better keep this out of Memes, not just one, few memes might also feel like spamming the tag!
@anthonyadavisii, @joshman, Would you like to see this #NewSteem concept as a #dmania shit? If yes this might be applicable. But for me it's not. So I called the bot for downvotes instead of upvotes! So it's your choice to upvote, and for me I will summon the bot for downvote such multiple memes which is trying to spam the concept of #NewSteem


The dmania comparison doesn't even make sense. It's an account posting a couple memes, it's not a shitposting platform spamming the network. If it was just randomly spamming unrelated memes continuously using that tag I'd agree with you, but they are very targeted towards newsteem and no rewards attached to them.

I think maybe this is about your ability to bully a small account with your bot while waving your #newsteem banner, even though it's completely hypocritical of you to do so. Why don't you invoke your downvote bot on Haejin if you are so brave and want to be the guardian of #newsteem.

I didn't think so.

I am not bully small accounts, I agree I am not supporting war against Haejin. Did you ever see I was flagging someone before? It's not my intention, but here I wish to see this tag with valuable discussions! So, sometimes I might revoke flags by commanding the bot!
You can also try this bot on certain tags too ;)@joshman,
