Over the years we have gotten to see the core of trolls.
I'll tell you right now hun they don't give a FUCK.
Any fucks ~ At all. Other people's pain is their joy.
You reacting to their horribleness, feeds them the attention they want.
These are lonely self loathing bastards, what else could cause a person to be so horrible to others?
You reacting to them is what they want.
I have suggested ways to heal, but I cannot tell you or anyone else what to do.
By ignoring them we waste THEIR TIME, instead of allowing them to waste ours.
This has been going on for many monthes, it started with haijin and rancho and now its got bernie involved.
I cannot see this conflict resolving anything.
That was the main reason we took a break from this, hoping that we could come back and work together to resolve practical matters that affect a lot of people.
The only way to heal a troll is let karma devour them for being such fucking heartless pricks.
TRUST ME IT WILL no escaping that system unfortunately...
All they can do is HEED the warning.
@lyndsaybowes is nothing but an attention whore who is obsessed with me. She'll never stop. She craves these responses just like the one you gave her because it makes her feel like she accomplished something. In reality, she's a jobless nobody. Sad, even a bit pathetic, but, true.
Yeah, we know that's not the case.....
Seriously man, once you're time on planet earth is done is this really what you want to be?
Some one who's hasn't done much but ruin a fucking website for many people?
You're better then that, and most people who use this place know you're reputation by now.
I remember once you guys use to work together and now you're just some troll who uses the appearance of a public figure to spam literal shit on people's walls.....
What a great fucking legacy....
If you have so much power with money why aren't you helping build this place up?