Abuse Report #8 The plagiarized content of some Red Fish and its consequences - @gali7, @vaketo and @hivelifebg

in #abuse3 years ago (edited)

Every blogger gets to the point where he wants to see what it feels like to plagiarize...

We hope this is not true, but we have already found many accounts that, even if they did not start their career on Hive with plagiarism, at some point they decide to try it.

The first example is an old case that had no consequences. It’s a post of @gali7 16 days ago.


Now we don’t want to write about the origin of this account. The discoveries about the case of the person who has sponsored it were not made by us.

We only want to remind you our theory, that when a person who is a Hive abuser is given the right to onboard newbies, then these new people turn out to be plagiarists and these same plagiarists then onboard other newbies, the situation does not look very good.

Anyway, back to the post.

It already has a source of plagiarism: https://www.sabori.bg/ob-gabrovo/view.html?oid=45602

But rewards have already been successfully paid too…. 82.25 Hive Rewards.

We have already written in one comment our arguments about our opinion on this case and for greater persuasiveness we will put them here again:

This is a comparison of the sentences in one paragraph:

The text does not need to be translated into English. @gali7 has already provided text in the language in which the source is written. All you have to do is look and compare words and letters.

Her text:
Строителният гений Кольо Фичето. Построява даром красива чешма в памет на заловените и избесени 8 въстаници.
Source text:
Известният майстор Кольо Фичето построява даром красива осемструйна чешма в памет на заловените и обесени в манастира 8 въстанници.

Her text:
През паметната 1876 година манастирът е сборен пункт на габровските въстаници, които на 1 май полагат клетва в храма и поемат пътя към Балкана, водени от воеводата Цанко Дюстабанов, чиято сабя се съхранява в манастира.
Source text:
През паметната 1876 г. обителта е сборен пункт на габровските въстаници, които поемат към Балкана, водени от Цанко Дюстабанов, чиято сабя се съхранява в манастира до наши дни.

Her text:
По време на Руско-Турската освободителна война в манастира е учредена военна болница.
Source text:
По време на Руско-турската война манастирът е бил превърнат във военна болница.

So, we don't think it's very difficult to compare sentences in pairs and find the very small differences - some changed words with the same meaning or places of periods and commas.

But as we said, the rewards of this post have already been successfully paid.

Next example:

@vaketo is a decent blogger, who generally puts effort into his posts, as far as his abilities allow. And because of this effort, one of his posts once received even nearly 500 Hive Rewards.

So, unlike @gali7, @vaketo was a real surprise for us, when he published this post 4 days ago:


And here are the 2 sources of plagiarism, already provided below:

https://shumenonline.bg/2019/01/06/%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%8F%D0%B2%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5-%D0%B5-%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%81-%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BE-%D1%81%D0%B5-%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%8F-%D0%B7%D0%B0/ and https://sanovnikat.com/%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%8F%D0%B2%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5/

Well, the post is still active and its Hive Rewards are 18.75 so far.

The third example:

@hivelifebg is an established spammer who has repeatedly proven this by republishing posts, posting content completely copied from the Internet, or producing 17 posts in one day.

Three days ago, however, he published the following:


It is a mixture of text from various articles + images downloaded from Internet without mentioning the source. (Well, he edited the post yesterday and finally mentioned some source below.)

We’ve already shown you the ‘curious case’ of the plagiarist tbabachev.

Now we want to bring to your attention and knowledge also these three similar cases.

What they have in common is not only the lack of consequences of their actions.

What they have in common is the person who directly or indirectly onboarded them on Hive.

Let's keep Hive free of abusers, farmers, spammers and low-quality content producers!

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image source

@xposd is a project of a bunch of people who care about the quality, purity and integrity of our decentralized social network.

We are not here for the rewards and they’re all declined, but everyone could support us by sending HIVE anonymously from any exchange where HIVE is listed.

All donations will be used for exposing more abusers, downvoting shit posts and comments and upvoting quality content.