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RE: Confessions of an Academic Postdoc

in #academia8 years ago

Wow. So three thoughts beat out the others in my mind after reading this:

  1. You are hilarious (this thought from the beginning of the post - I enjoy your sense of humor).
  2. The levels of intellectual ability on this earth astound me. Many people in my life think of me as the "mathematician" around (VERY loose quotes there), and then I read things like this. It's like levels of magnitude - an ant looking at a human, thinking it is so big, and then a human looking at the universe and thinking it is so big (you are the universe in this analogy, haha).
  3. After reading about your expertise, I was wondering if you would be interested in writing a post about p vs np and how that relates to why cryptocurrency is so rare and valuable. I think that would help a lot of people understand how and why this all works!

Thanks for the kind words.

On 3 ... that's a very good idea! I'll have to think about how to properly connect the ideas.