Seven of Pentacles Reversed
Take time and analyse your current investments, whether they be time investments or money investments. You may be investing too much time into something that will not bear results. Your efforts may be scattered out at the moment, but if you map everything out properly, it will all fall into place as you need, you may even have to put some projects and hobbies on hold until you are able to get your priority goals completed.
You may feel as if your efforts are not bringing you the results you need, and you may also feel that your efforts are a waste of time getting you what you need when you need it, but some things require the highest levels of patience.
- I prioritize what the tasks that are most important so that I may succeed in my path.
- I prioritize my investments of time and wealth so that I do not waste my most precious assets on failure.
- I am happy in my path.
- I am abundant in my path.
- I am open and receptive to all forms of positive abundance that aid and assist me on my path.
- I am open and receptive to unconditional love.
This has been another 1 card reading from #theshadowscapestarot~ Lady Reijya
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