Homophobia: A Weapon of Sexism

in #accepting8 years ago

Express Yourself Forward Thinkers-
I have always believed and continue to believe one person can make a difference. This one person cannot do it alone though, and by standing up for what they feel is right and moral other people will join in the cause. The problem is our dominant culture has made it almost impossible for an individual to stand up and voice their opinion because they will be lambasted and excluded from society. In order to overcome this detriment, people need to band together and support one another in order for their views to be heard and understood.
The way people will learn and appreciate diverse perspectives is from hearing their stories. By hearing their stories, a person who differs in opinion can hopefully comprehend the trials and tribulations that person went through because of their ideology. The reason most of us criticize others is because we are ignorant, and it is easy to condemn a person who we don’t understand. It is human and animal nature to congregate with likewise beings, and any deviation from this parameter creates anxiety that causes conflict. In order to resolve these conflicts, the easy solution is to control and/or exclude these anxiety-creating beings from our life. The results from these attitudes have created a society where racism, sexism, ageism, ableism, and homophobia are prevalent, and I recognize the time is here for US to make a difference.
We are at a point in time where we need to start thinking globally rather than locally. My actions and behaviors affect each and every one of us on this planet, and by becoming educated I can learn how to make a positive change for the greater good of all beings. If we start treating each other with respect and consideration, we will become a society where we help each other instead of looking to take advantage of each other. The dominant culture, white Christian males, has thrived and flourishes because of these –ism’s, and it is time to stop this asinine way of thinking and behaving.
I agree it is easy to write and talk about making a change, and understand it is entirely a whole different ballpark taking action to make a change. Suzanne Pharr is a courageous and pioneering woman in taking a stand for lesbians. Pioneering might not be the right word because others have ventured on this purpose, but for me she is a pioneer because she has open up a new line of thought for me. I have always considered lesbians and gays to be a deviant lifestyle, probably because that is what I have been taught and because it is a different lifestyle from my own. I don’t know when or where this line of thinking took place, yet I became aware it was there.
By talking about my fears and anxiety with different cultures, I have learn that my trepidations are false. It is the unknowing aspect that brought about these qualms, and by traveling and studying, I have learned about other cultures and have been enlighten to the fact that we are all the same. When I went to Africa and China, I was a little apprehensive because I listen to friends and families misgivings, but they were all false. I have learned to take each person at face value, and until they have proven otherwise, I will treat them as an equal and fellow being regardless of their culture. In fact, I believe I can learn something from everyone, and it is up to me to learn and benefit from their differences and acquire what works best for me.
As I have stated, the main way if not only way to make change is to form groups to advocate for equality, which has already began. The next step is to band all of these groups together to make a united front against the mainstream dominant culture to make this change. We are in the midst of taking this next step, and by all oppress people standing up and voicing their opinions and beliefs, we will make a change. By accepting this change, it will be for the better of all beings, including white Christian males. The challenge now is to continue demonstrating our convictions even through the harassment and oppression by the dominant culture till each and every one of us is enlighten and we live in a truly free and open society.


By speaking about white Christian males as the 'dominant culture', you're already setting yourself apart from people who have done nothing to you but are blamed for everything.

White Christian males are being treated like 2nd class citizens in many cases, all because of political correctness. There are all of these groups that want rights for gay people, rights for black people etc etc, but what about simply protecting rights for all? Why are white Christian males the evil group just because of corrupt politicians and big business?

This is the problem in society, everyone wants to label others, they want an enemy to fight. I am white, I am atheist. But do I dislike Christians just because I do not share their beliefs? No. And I certainly don't want to gang up against them. Society reinforces this so it continues. Instead of the 'white people are bad' comments, why not just ask everyone to stand together against corruption, racism, homophobia and anything else that hurts innocents????

On second thought...being a white male myself...I so very badly want to agree with you and say you are valid...however, I would be wrong. I will explain why in my next post.