–– Exodus Then he said to Him, “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.” 33:15
Today more than ever, spiritual darkness is becoming more abundant and opposition to the spirit of Christ stronger. Challenges are intensifying and we must be ready to face these circumstances as they come. Thankfully, we can find everything we need to overcome them in the presence of God. His presence is available to us to this day and we must learn to go to it to be changed and transformed. What is the presence of God? The presence of God is the atmosphere and environment of God Himself.
It is something visible and tangible, something that you can feel. Everything that God is and has is found in His presence. Why do we need the presence of God? 1. To establish our faith in the power of God. That your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.
––1 Corinthians 2:5 There are human needs that can only be supplied by God’s power. The presence of God establishes your faith in His power, so when crisis comes you can overcome the shaking. 2. To be changed and transformed. The presence of God is the only place where man can be changed and transformed. If we were able to change ourselves, we wouldn’t need God. Any area in our life that needs change needs to be taken to God’s presence to experience that change. 3. To become carriers of the presence of God. 4. Because any area that is not filled with God will be filled with the enemy. The area that we struggle in is the area that isn’t filled with the presence of God. The solution is to be continually filled with God’s presence. What happens in the presence of God? When you’re in the presence of God, you’re in the original atmosphere you’re entire being came from.
When God shows up to a place, He doesn't show up to be part of the crowd, He shows up to change and transform the crowd. In the presence of God, all human needs are supplied. The presence of God carries the solution to any situation, circumstance, or problem you are facing. In the presence you can receive:
Peace • Joy
• Love
• Healing
• Deliverance
• Miracles
• Strength
• Comfort
• Faith
• Hope And much more.
Whatever you need, you can receive it in the presence of God. Keys to Access God’s Presence
• By faith. But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
––Hebrews 11:6 God gave you faith to believe that you can draw near to him and access His presence. Without faith, it’s impossible to access His presence.
Through repentance. The only moment a person can’t feel His presence is when there is unrepented sin in their life. In such cases, God will purposely not allow them to feel His presence. Repentance gives us immediate access to God’s presence.
• Through the blood of Jesus. Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus… –– Hebrews 10:19 God gives us access to His presence through the blood of His son Jesus. Today we have direct access to the Holy of Holies and presence of God because of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
• Through the person of Jesus. And having a High Priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. –– Hebrews 10:2122