How to open a paypal account?

in #account8 years ago


What is Paypal?

Paypal is the most recognized Internet payment intermediary. Large companies use it all over the world, but also individuals, small businesses, associations, and even banks ...
Thanks to Paypal, it is possible to pay online safely, or else to receive money. Simply enter your bank details, as well as your credit card information.
It is a completely free service that only takes 2% commissions for a transfer to your bank account of less than 100 €, which is relatively little.

Open a paypal account paypal-logo.jpg

2-Click on "Open an account".
Select your country and language
3-Fill in the corresponding fields with your personal information (the site is ultra-secure).
4-Confirm the form (Paypal sends you a confirmation message to be validated on your mailbox)
5-In "my account", click on the "transfer funds" tab and then on the "transfer funds to your bank account" link.
6-Finally, enter your bank details (this operation is only valid for the debit of your account)
Follow the directions on the site before validating.1-Go to the site of


Will they be accepting crypto currency in the near future?

My thesis for merchant payments is that the largest and most successful companies will likely implement their own payment systems. so futur i don't know but right now no for paypal