So, what is the duty of all that hold public office?
Public Servants, are hired to offer a public service, these services exist for one purpose only - to give services to the public. They have no other purpose. This is not a gift or altruistic service. It is paid for by the People through their manifold taxes. A servant is an employee of someone, and the employer is always the one who pays the wages.
Q. How can it have happened that our public servants, our public employees, have forgotten who pays the wages?
We, the People, pay all the wages – even the Civil List. We are the employer, the principal and the Master in relation to all public servants. As you may or may not know. Some public servants present the argument, that they are not servants of the People, that they are servants of the Queen. The Sovereign is a role enacted for the People. It is also a paid for role, by virtue of the Civil List.
The Queen is the highest servant in the land, and the best paid. The good, just and fair kings and queens of antiquity were the very ones who declared they were here to serve the People. In her coronation oath, the Queen swore to govern the Peoples of our isles and territories according to our laws and customs. 'Governing' in itself is a service since it is served to and for the People, using the Peoples laws and customs.
As you can see, it’s you, the one reading this (the people) pay the wages of all public/civil servants.
So, I would now bring to your attention to the 9th Edition of the Black’s book of Law. Law dictionaries are useful tools (please find here) to comprehend the meaning of words. For example;
Blacks Book of Law 9th Edition Page 604 Employment. (15c)
1. The relationship between master and servant. See MASTER AND SERVANT.
2. The act of employing.
3. The state of being employed.
4. Work for which one has been hired and is being paid for by an employer.
Blacks Book of Law 9th Edition Page 1065 Master and servant. (16c)
The relationship between two persons, one of whom (the master) has authority over the other (the servant), with the power to direct the time, manner, and place of service. This relationship is similar to that of principle and agent, but that terminology applies to employments in which the employee has some discretion, while the servant is almost completely under the control of the master. Also, an agent usu, acts for the principal in business relations with third parties, while the servant does not. see master-servant relationship under RELATIONSHIPS. [cases: Labour and Employment < 23.]
You, the tax payer are their Masters, Principles and Employers whilst they hold public office or offer a public service
Apart from politicians and the usual civil servants, some people do not realise that it also includes the police and secret agencies. Try to enforce this fact on them and they just might think they have the right to shoot you - or hide you away for a few years.
Political correctness and the apathy of the public has made them feel they now own the country, not the people.