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RE: “What is the One Negative Experience in Your Life from which You Extracted a Positive Lesson and Used it to Shape Your Life and Self for the Better?”

in #accountability7 years ago

A wise advice that I have always kept close to my heart, and it seems as if you learned it here. In any conflict, there are at least two people to blame. So look deeply for your own responsibility and own it.

This is especially true in a marriage. I don't know if I agree with Sasha that a woman is more responsible than a man for a relationship (although interesting to read her thoughts ;), but I would say that YOU are responsible, whether you are a man or a woman.

How can we ask others to be angels while we become unbearable? This is such a wise question.

My favorite part Sharoon was how quickly things became better when you owned your accountability. You became a blessing for your family! And they flowered under your blessing!

Love and Light.


I completely agree with you on the 'two people to blame' thing. I agree with you that a woman is not more responsible for shaping the marriage; both the man and woman or both the partners are. I think what Sasha meant was that we as women are responsible for our own lives and actions. Yes things actually improved real fast when I made positive efforts. Love and light for you too :)