Written by:Diomer Antonio Galán Rincón.
Bachelor's Degree.Public Accounting / MSc.Science of Higher Education.

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Nowadays, talking about work stress in companies represents a very well known topic, since it brings with it a series of elements that are part of any work environment, therefore, the forms, expressions and behaviors expressed by a group of individuals are considered as learning judgments by the members of a certain society according to the area where the organization is located, where customs, practices, codes, norms and rules of how to do things are included, as well as the behavior and belief system. This gives man the ability to reflect on himself, and they are the ones that give the human character as such to the company, therefore, the organizational climate allows managers and workers to be critical and ethically committed to a society that every day breaks new business paradigms.
Man as a social being lives in an era of great changes, in a demanding rhythm of life towards the achievement of his objectives at an individual and professional level, increasing his degree of development to adapt to new challenges. The problem may arise when the work challenges are greater every day and when facing them, his health is exposed, affecting the quality of life. This is when stress levels begin to develop.
The World Health Organization (1986) defines stress as the "set of physiological reactions that prepare the body for action". If we use this definition in the work environment of individuals, we would be able to adjust the definition of stress as "the instability between professional demands and the person's capacity to carry them out". In turn, stress can manifest itself positively and negatively.

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What are the Types of Stress?.
*Eustress: We can call it positive stress, it is associated with the impressions of the external and internal world of the individual that do not cause an organic imbalance, his body is able to resist and to face difficult situations and obtains pleasurable sensations.
*Stress: It is a negative stress that causes an increase of physical effort in relation to the work to be done. It is always accompanied by a physiological lack of control, the catecholamines (hormones) produce a speeding up of the functions and these act away from achieving a point of equilibrium, producing hyperactivity, muscular shortening, among others, also causing a rapid aging.
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