Written by:Diomer Antonio Galán Rincón.
Bachelor's Degree.Public Accounting / MSc.Science of Higher Education.

Author: @dgalan, using the Power Point 2010 tool, with public domain images from Pixabay's website. .
The social comptroller in Venezuela is conceived as a model of participation, where civic structures are able to control, monitor and evaluate government programs, as a way to contribute to the elimination of corruption, transparency in the management of public resources and to increase citizen confidence.
During the last few years, technological advances, globalization, competitiveness, customer demands, population growth, among other elements, have caused societies to be in constant evolution in the economic, social, religious, political and cultural aspects.
This situation has led the country to make a series of significant changes in legal, political and economic matters, with the idea of adopting measures and giving way to a more just and balanced society where peace prevails, collective prosperity and welfare are promoted, as well as the guarantee of compliance by all, such as the principles, rights and duties established, recognized and enshrined in the country's constitution.
Hence, the social comptroller is a powerful weapon against phenomena that are opposed to social interests and ethics in the exercise of public functions, as well as in the activities of production, distribution, exchange, marketing and supply of goods and services that are indispensable and necessary for the population, carried out by the productive sector both public and private, based on the democratic values and principles of participation and protagonism, collective interest, cultural diversity, defense of human rights, co-responsibility, transparency, honesty, effectiveness, efficiency, accountability, among others.
For this reason, the social comptroller is created as a mechanism of union and projection of diverse economic aspects, social, political and democratic projects, with community purposes.

In effect, the central objective of social participation is the promotion and integration of social policies, with the purpose of facilitating the satisfaction of minimum social needs and giving the people participation in decisions. To give it legal support, the Organic Law of Social Controllership was enacted, with the purpose of developing and strengthening popular power, through the formulation and establishment of norms, mechanisms and conditions related to the promotion, development and consolidation of social controllership as an element of participation of the citizens and their social organizations.
However, there are communities today that are not organized, therefore they do not assume the leading role granted by law of being able to direct the public policies of their environment, leaving the state to decide where to direct these resources or allowing these resources to be lost due to administrative bureaucracy.
I hope you like my article and I would appreciate all your comments.