Her Splendid cultural tradition of marriage Party in the life of aceh society

in #aceh7 years ago (edited)

Aceh is known to the outside community, because it has all aspects of daily life that can be taken as an example by other communities. Aceh has a very strong tradition, culture, customs. aceh culture can not be changed by other people, even if there is a propagandize, it is just as a mock. because all the people of the world know, that aceh society is very strong to maintain and preserve its own culture.

Aceh society is also known to have a very high social, both social in the economic field, and other social.

As seen in this post, here visible aceh people very cheerful meghadiri marriage party, here you can see also, social form of aceh community who help each other in carrying out the event of the marriage party,

The community not only attend the party to enjoy the food alone, but the aceh community attends weddings to help with possible work, such as helping with cooking, helping to arrange all the preparations for the success of the wedding ceremony so that the invited guests can enjoy the party atmosphere happily.

This form of handcrafted artwork completed by teenage children from the head that will be placed at the party to add to the beauty of the atmosphere of the wedding party event. the craft was deliberately made a kind of duck in the bamboo array and decorated with colored ornamental paper.

This looks a form of cooperation aceh (social) community in organizing a wedding party event.

And this looks groub art sounds to comfort the people who attended the wedding ceremony

FOLLOW ME @abudar


customs and traditions that are still thick and we have to keep preserving.

cultural customs can not be bought
thank you for posting comments here@hanifa yes of course we must be preserved.

Ini patut di contohi, setiap post yang sudah saya baca semua termotivasi. Kembangkan budaya dan kelebihan serta keistimewaan kita terutama di aceh dengan menulis sejarah dan cerita ataupun peristiwa seperti ini . Terimakasih bang motivasi dan pengalaman dari post nya.
Post yang menarik dari @abudar Salam dari l lon @ismailrafael. Sp4.cotmatahe

Aceh is very rich in culture and customs of our ancestral heritage, in various joints of social life is always taught to work together to help each other, including in the wedding.@abudar The writing is very good

*Bek tuwo meuba :
-u teulason
-tube meu on
-pisang meu mu

Meunan geupeugah le abuwa.*

The one's of more much about Local Wisdom in Aceh Region... Best Regards for Aceh Steemit

Abudar nyolong dewi Nek Nu neubantu vote bacut baro lon peugot steemit hana ureng vote lom

From the way you described Aceh, it's obvious it is such a wonderful place to live in

If I may ask, on what continent is Aceh?

you do not know aceh?
aceh in continental asia,
have not heard of a tsunami.
Where are you fromhi @tosyne2much...

I'm sorry for not knowing what continent Aceh is, but from the pictures, I already knew it's from the Asian continent but I needed to be sure, hence, my question.

Anyway, I'm from Nigeria

seb bereh ju nyan @abudar

aceh memang budaya yang sangat hebat,tidak akan terkalahkan dengan negara-negara luar,
aceh selalu bersatu dalam semua kegiatan,termasuk acara yang seperti ini @abudar,hidup aceh ,teruslah berjaya dan selalu berkembang.

a very nice custom @abudar i love aceh.

it was a good arrangement.nice post bro

Neupakat lon meuramin @abudar hai

Tradisional aceh

mantab tht bahan @abudar

Right as you say @abudar. The people of Aceh do have a very strong custom and culture.

Indahnya kebudayaan Aceh

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