The wrong view about steemit!

in #aceh7 years ago


Hello steemians, you may feel the more days your writing interest decreases, what more if you often compare your income with the income of others !.

Why this can happen to you, here are some misconceptions about steemit, which may be one of your views!


  1. Get rich quick.
  2. This is what we hear from people who promote steemit. He said steemit can supplement your income in the near future. Maybe you will imagine, in one article at least you can get $1 SBD or about Rp. 50,000 in rupiah currency. in one day you can write 5 articles of quality, well I will get at least Rp. 250,000 in one business day.

    If you think like that, then better leave the steemit before you get angry with your promoter !.

    Logically, for the average new user will get a goose egg. ($ 00.00).

    But you do not get discouraged, your dreams one day will remain true if you are consistent and sincere with what you get !.


  3. Steemit is easy
  4. The next mistaken view is to underestimate what you are dealing with. Do you know how many people fail because they underestimate what they face?

    Steemit is a world social media, where everyone competes to be the best, gets noticed with highly qualified articles.

    If you underestimate the steemit, then your spirit to learn will be lost, the impact is quality of your article does not match the standard.

    if you want to succeed then you should continue to study what your shortcomings, improve and always follow the developments.


  5. I have many friends.
  6. this view, you should get rid of far from your mind, why?, if you think you already have a strong supporter, then you have lost the opportunity to work better!, logically you will always expect support from some people you know, and in my opinion that is not enough to make you successful.

    The solution is to keep trying to make more friends, the more you can get it will be better.

Best Regards from #aceh
Steem On!


That is rigt
To be successful we need to the friends...
Good luck

Thx brother, this is social media, we can't get it alone :)

Ya it is alright

good post, and you deserve the dream you want, and I will follow you,
sorry, I'm new in steemit, will you help to improve my ranking? thank you

Thanks you for comment, how i can help you? I'm still newbie here :)

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The opinions you make are very plausible and they are. I pay more attention for second opinion.
In any work we will never ever succeed if we always underestimate.
Everyone who's succeeded in their work must be understood that political will, possitive thingking and focus is an important key in a business, like in steemit to.
Thanks kanda gurei @binjeeclik

thx brother,. :)

Alhamdulillah @lamkote punya pemikiran yang jernih malam ini😁

Emang biasanya sy pungobya bang

Post yg bagus buat orang2 seperti saya yg masih baru. Kalau di pikir2 memang #steemit ini bagus selain bisa mendapat teman yg banyak postingan kita jg di hargai. Tetapi untuk mendapatkan upvote dari teman2 susah skli. Kebanyakan orang2 hanya memberikan vote buat teman2 mereka sendiri. Bila ada pendatang baru yg sama sekali enggak punya teman ya pasti lama akan meraih keberhasilan. Makasih @binjeeclick karena sudah memberikan semangat dgn post yg bermanfaat.

iya sobat, saya perhatikan steemit memang lebih kejam dari media sosial lain :)
bayak hal yang tidak sesuai dengan yang kita harapkan,.. tapi kita jangan menyerah terus berkarya, perbanyak komentar di artikel orang lain,.. :)

Makasih bang, saya tetap semangat walaupun masih banyk yg kosong di post saya. Mgkn suatu saat saya bisa sperti org2 yg sdh berhsil skrg. Skli lg makasih...

Seperti kata gure @binjeeclik sebelumnya anggab Steemit adalah Facebook model baru, kita tidak akan terbeban buat terus berkarya,
Menghasilkan Rezeki
Tidak menghasilkan silaturahmi
Insya Allah semua akan terasa ringan

hey, thanks for heping promo steem out! I have dropped a few upvotes on your posts for your awesome contribution!

Huge thanks for your support my brother, it's my pleasure to participate in #promo-steem project.

setuju @binjeeclick . sekilas terutama bagi pemula, seakan sangat simple untuk terjun di dunia antah steemit berantah ini. tinggal nulis selesai. padahal kenyataannya untuk dapat upvote saja susahnya luar biasa.. dan ujung2 nya banyak yang lempar handuk... hehehe.

Satu lagi, dunia steemit ternyata tak selebar daun birah... hampir unlimited, bahkan terus berkembang sampe2 saya yang 4 bulan fakum hana meuho uram ujong le.. heehhe