Renungan setiap hari

in #aceh6 years ago

There are three calamities every day
That befall us as His servants.

But unfortunately ...
Most of us are unaware,
In fact most of us can not take wisdom.

  • First calamity ...... *

Every day our age ration continues to decrease
but this age diminishes from attention.

When the property is reduced
Our attention is extraordinary,
Though the lost property can be replaced
The age of lost will not be replaced.

  • Second calamity ..... *

Every day we live with rizki from Him
while we are negligent and inattentive ....,
That every rizki is there
It will come to Him later.

If rizki is lawful
Will be asked later ....
Have we been grateful for it?

If rizki is haram .....
Then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will call us.

  • The third disaster ..... *

realized or not,
Every day we step towards the Hereafter,
Just as we continue to move away from the world.

But our attention to the eternal afterlife
Not as big as our attention to the mortal world.

While we do not know
How the end of our journey later,
whether to be a dweller of heaven
With all its beauty and enjoyment,
Or become a dweller of hell
Place all his adzab and his punishment.

As much as any world treasures collected,
Or as much as any appreciation and title achieved,
All are not as beautiful as the dreams
and the desires of Prophet Yusuf Alaihi Salaam:

توفني مسلما وألحقني بالصالحين

_ "Yaa Allah I plead with you ...._
Agar you memafatkanku in the state of Islam
Dan collect me in heavenMu
Twith your pious servants. "
_ (Surah Yusuf: 101) ._

Really !

  • What a sad heart this is .... *
  • Hear the expression of Sheikh Muhammad Bin Sholeh Al Utsaimin: *
    _ "When you feel lazy to obey,
    Be beware ......
    Bisa so Allah does not like your worship. "

Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala said:

ولكن كره الله انبعاثهم فثبطهم

_ "Allah hates their worship (the hypocrites) ...._
Therefore Allah has bestowed them from the worship. "_
_ (Surah At Taubat: 46) ._

  • Yaa Allah ....... *
  • _Do not make this world our greatest dream, _ *
  • Dan also the world is taking up our time ... *

Dear Allah.......

  • _Do not make hell as the end of our journey, _ *
  • Dan make your Paradise as our last resting house ..... *