A mixture of coconut in the confectionary has always created warm tropical that is typical. Alloy sago and the richness of coconut in the delicacy of a sponge cake you can try in our recipe this time, resep sponge coconut sago.
Young coconut ½ grain, long scar and mix with 1 teaspoon of salt
Chicken eggs 4 grains
Granulated sugar 150 grams
Cake emulsifier/SP 1 teaspoon
Vanilla powder ¼ teaspoon
Sago flour 100 grams
Wheat flour 50 grams
Thick coconut milk 150 ml
- Set the coconut in the basic mold that has been smeared with oil, compress. Set aside.
- Beat the eggs, sugar, and SP until white and fluffy.
- Enter a mixture of corn starch and flour slowly while stirring until blended.
- Pour the coconut milk, stir again gently until smooth.
- Pour the batter up to ¾ the height of the mold.
- Heat the steamer, steamed for 15 minutes until cooked. Remove from heat and serve.
Campuran kelapa dalam penganan selalu menciptakan citarasa tropis yang khas. Paduan sagu dan gurihnya kelapa dalam kelezatan kue bolu dapat anda coba di resep kami kali ini, Resep Bolu Sagu Kelapa.
Kelapa muda ½ butir, parut panjang dan campur dengan 1 sdt garam
Telur ayam 4 butir
Gula pasir 150 gram
Cake emulsifier/SP 1 sdt
Vanili bubuk ¼ sdt
Tepung sagu 100 gram
Tepung terigu 50 gram
Santan kental 150 ml
Atur kelapa di dasar cetakan yang sudah dioles dengan minyak, padatkan. Sisihkan.
Kocok telur, gula pasir, dan SP hingga putih dan mengembang.
Masukkan campuran tepung sagu dan terigu perlahan sambil diaduk hingga rata.
Tuang santan, aduk kembali perlahan hingga rata.
Tuang adonan hingga ¾ tinggi cetakan.
Panaskan pengukus, kukus selama 15 menit hingga matang. Angkat dan sajikan.
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