There will be no interesting things about the television antenna if sparrows are not perched there. This moment happened this afternoon when I took a few minutes to walk at a corner of Banda Aceh.
When I saw this view, I was in a hurry to take its picture.
I think I will get the meaning that is implicit in this view; a television antenna and sparrows and... I'm trying to squeeze the power of thought to get the meaning of this view, which in my opinion, at least, beautiful.
A television antenna and sparrows and...
I have a feeling, it surely has meaning. But for many times I tried to pull the meaning, from a depth, I always failed to found it. Yeah, at least, these are the beautiful pictures. Don't you think so?

On the another perch

That's look nice..sparrow and the antenna...
If you can shoot a picture when a bunch of sparrows lined on electric cables , (not one or two sparrows), well, that will be amazing..
Great post @keuudeip..Keep share..
Thank you, @riyandi
Nice sparrows! I tried to think about the meaning of the pictures, but failed to find out either! Yes, I absolutely agree with you, the only thing that I know is "beautiful"! It's great for finding these wonderful pictures! :D
👍 Thank you. 🙂
You're welcome! :)