Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah) is the oldest state university in Aceh. Established on September 2, 1961 by Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science No. 11 of 1961, dated July 21, 1961. The establishment of Unsyiah was confirmed ...
BANDA ACEH - Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah) held a public lecture with Z. Arifin Lubis, Chief Representative of Bank Indonesia Aceh Province, at the Senate Hall of the Rector's Bureau, Wednesday (21/2). This activity was followed by Vice Rectors, Deans, Head of Institutions, Head of Bureau, until the students. In the lecture, Arifin Lubis explained the development and prospects of global economy, Indonesia, and Aceh.
According to him Aceh has several advantages that can be empowered into great potential in development. Arifin pointed out, currently Aceh has the sixth largest APBA nationally. It also has the potential of natural wealth, whether in the field of marine, agriculture, and mining. "Aceh has enormous potential and becomes one of the five provinces that have specialities in Indonesia. This should be a great capital to move forward, "he said.
Arifin also predicted global growth in 2018 is relatively the same as the previous year. The source of this growth comes from developing countries amid a limited economic recovery of developed countries. For Aceh, Arifin expects the economic growth outlook in 2018 to reach 4.73 percent.
At the end of the presentation, Arifin hopes Aceh can have a conducive economic climate, adequate infrastructure, strong upstream industry, to synergy and consistent development. These steps are expected to bring Aceh more dignified, advanced, and prosperous.
Meanwhile, the Rector of Unsyiah, Prof. Dr. Ir. Samsul Rizal, M. Eng appreciates this general lecture. He hopes this activity will bring a new understanding of the economic growth of Aceh and Indonesia in general.
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