Marriage in Aceh culture (the wedding)

in #aceh7 years ago (edited)


this is my first post and my personal wedding photos, may be useful for all of us.....
Indonesia is one of the largest countries that has the largest cultural customs in the world, which this time will be discussed one of the customs of marriage in an area within the territory of Indonesia which is called Aceh.
Marriage is a marriage ceremony binding ceremony that is celebrated or executed by two people with the intention of formalizing marriage bonds by religious norms, legal norms, and social norms. The wedding ceremony has many variations and variations according to tribal, religious, cultural, and social class. The use of custom or certain rules is sometimes related to certain rules or religious laws as well
Aceh is located on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra and is the most western province in Indonesia, and the capital is Banda Aceh. Which is the marriage in Aceh based on the laws of the State of Indonesia and the majority of Muslims. Broadly speaking, marriage in Islam is one of worship. God encourages us to carry out marriage. Marriage is a process whereby a woman and a man unite their relationship in a familial bond with the aim of regulating the life of the household and the descendants. Marriage in Islam is a sacred process. If marriage is not exercised on the basis of Islamic Shari'ah then the marriage could become an act of adultery. Therefore, we as Muslims should know the tricks of marriage in accordance with the rules of Islam for our marriage is worshiped worship by Allah SWT
The marriage ceremony is one of a series of ceremonies that are performed in the life cycle. Marriage occupies an important position in the social interaction. Marriage is an important process in one's life. In fact, not infrequently people regard marriage as something sacred in life. Therefore, as the customs of Aceh govern the marriage ceremony.
Aceh's traditional marriage ceremony is not a mere ritual process. Aceh marriage ceremonies contain various philosophical meanings. Biologically, marriage is an attempt to legalize sexual activity between men and women as well as getting offspring. Almost all indigenous groups in Aceh rarely talk about biological motives because they consider it taboo. Although the motive lives in the consciousness of society.
Marriage ultimately concerns two things. On the one hand, customary and religious norms prohibit promiscuity between men and women. On the other hand, Aceh's customary norms put pressure on parents to marry off their children, when their children have reached their time (sexual maturity).
In addition to the biological needs of marriage also functions socially. The newly married couple will live together in one fellowship, and the bond is recognized and agreed upon by members of the community. The new family is required to work with their relative's family, sometimes family of their relatives in taking care of the household. These principles apply to all indigenous groups in Aceh.

Basically more things must be prepared by the men to carry out the procession of the application of indigenous Aceh. Therefore, it would not hurt to design early on to anticipate the existence of things that escape to be prepared. Here are some things to prepare the application of customary Aceh which should be noted by the men.

The man has to appoint a person as a representative. This male representative should be someone who is thought to be wise by the exit of men and who are good at speaking in Aceh. This male representation is then commonly called Theulangke. Previously this will investigate the status of the girl to be applied. If you are sure that the girl is still single then Theulangke will come home to the girl trying to apply for a girl.

Order of words:
After appointing a male representative, it is also necessary to prepare the arrangement of words that will be communicated during the application process. It is necessary to further strengthen the procession of the application process. Often such small things are considered easy but in fact a crucial thing that can not be overlooked.

Another important thing in the application is a package of tears. This souvenir can also be called a gift for a bride. The custom of Aceh consists of several requirements such as gambe, clove, banana raha, gapu, pineung reuk, Aceh traditional clothes, as well as various cakes and snacks such as boy cake, cakes, dodol, spice, sponge, meuseukat cake and so on.

For those who will apply and tie the girl with the engagement then do not forget to prepare a ring. Engagement in the application process is based on the agreement of both parties, so it is not the main benchmark of the men preparing the ring first during the application process.

Preparation :
In the case of marriage preparation in Aceh, the bride and groom register with the KUA (Office of Religious Affairs) in their respective territories, in order for the marriage to be lawful under Indonesian law and legally protected. Although legally Islamic religion is not required to register to the office. In the registration procession where the bride and groom will get guidance to be as a good husband / wife in a marriage relationship to become a happy family. And as one of the customs in aceh where the bride in the must be to recite the Qur'an as a true Muslim want to marry for marriage in approve by ALLAH.


Marriage, the day a bridegroom is on a mental test and his readiness to marry a woman's idol. Because of the customs of Aceh and religious law where In this ceremony begins with solemnization of a marriage performed by the bride along with the guardian of marriage, penghulu, witnesses and the family.
solemnization of a marriage is usually done in KUA or nearby big mosques. The procession of solemnization of a marriage is certainly done in accordance with the provisions of Aceh culture and Islam. Usually in doing this solemnization of a marriage permission to use the Indonesian language or local language place (Aceh). Which is the statement of solemnization of a marriage consent is sacred according to the aceh custom, dah the mention of it is done in a single pronunciation. Which is the example of solemnization of a marriage incarnation as follows:
An example of the inclusion of solemnization of a marriage permission if the marriage of the parent (father) of the bride.

  • Guardian of marriage: I nikahkan my son for you (groom) with dowry / dowry (the) Cash.
  • Bridegroom: I thank your child for marriage with dowry / dowry (the) Cash.
    After the procession solemnization of a marriage / Akad Nikah is finished then before 2 witnesses declare the permission of
    solemnization of a marriage is approved, then repeated the mention of solemnization of a marriage until the witness declared legalized marriage.
    (solemnization of a marriage)
    (marriage book signature)
    (give dowries)

Intat Linto / tueng dara baro:
Intat linto baro and tueng dara baro true same, showing the responsibility of families in establishing marital bond. This is a bridal interdisciplinary procession by the family. Linto and Dara means the bridegroom and the bride. Baro is new in Bahasa Indonesia. Intention means to deliver, while the word tueng is usually a phrase after joining another word, but when it stands alone as a word, its meaning is more or less is a reply or reply.
Intint linto is a family procession of the male party to bring the groom to the bride's house. Beginning with the arrival of the bridegroom with the family, followed by the welcome of the female family, usually a traditional dance and chanting shalawat (prayers for Rasulullah Muhammad SAW) at the gate of the residence, then the bride juxtaposed in the aisle. Afterwards, the bride and groom's family enjoys a banquet in front of the aisle, while guests are entertained separately, usually outside the home or courtyard.
Tueng dara baroe essentially the same, this visit the family of the bride's back with bride to the groom's residence. The host of a baroque tueng dara baroe is a bridegroom family. The outline is the same as the linto interstition, just different places, if events are held at home.
What is interesting in this inter-bridal delivery chain, although essentially the same as most Indonesian cultures where family engagement is always featured, Acehnese brides are as yet unlawful together before the three habits are performed. Despite the veiled consent and holding a wedding reception, usually the couple is still separated. Not allowed to be together, only the old and the frequency is still limited.
If the groom's house and the bride far apart, different cities for example, not infrequently after the reception, the bridegroom come home with a family group. Nearby dwellings though, usually, the lovebirds have not been runt-luntung or anywhere together. Most days, half a day, or overnight only the groom visits the woman's house, to return to her own family's residence. Even after linto intat. The new couple will live together after the linto intat show and more often after the baroque tueng dara baro.
The primacy of the family in the tradition of Aceh marriage has actually been shown starting custom application. In Aceh-style applications, the prospective groom is usually not involved. Application of Aceh in the form of visits or hospitality of the bride-grown parents to the residence of the female family to woo. If the proposal is accepted, then the bond of two families will be followed by the custom application in which two new big families meet. In this application, usually, two new families discuss all marriage purposes, one of which determines the day of marriage. Another important point, discussed during the application in the Aceh tradition, is the agreement on the amount of the dowry or dowry.
(Intat Linto)
(the presentation of dance ranup lampuan aceh)
The next peusijuek culture, from the origin of the word sijeuk, the meaning of freedom is cool in Indonesian, meaning the process of cooling or cooling. Peusijeuk is a culture of granting permission or blessing, not only in the tradition of marriage, but in many stages of Acehnese life. After buying a house, after occupying a position, when going to perform the pilgrimage, for example, most people in Aceh do the peusijeuk tradition. In essence prayers are offered for good or some kind of gratitude or pleading to God. Uniquely Aceh peusijeuk done by sprinkling holy water, water into which has been blown prayers, to the object prayed, similar to the final process of praying Hindus. Some opinions reveal this evidence of acculturation of Hindu and Islamic culture brought by immigrants and then spread into cultural procession.
Peusijeuk Aceh wedding is not always before the wedding, sometimes done during the reception, when the bride bersanding in pelaminan, after marriage. The elderly, from family and invitees, will give their blessings both to the bride and groom who have been coupled. Again this is about communal, how many people, or society, or big families engage in welcoming bonds.

thank you for reading and support all of you, hopefully useful ...

@mirzarizky follow me for the next post and follback.. Thank's :D